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Hirashi's POV

Last night I saw Mika and Lacas on the street and it was a disaster, literally out of all the people I could meet, Why him? I wanted to run away from there and cry in a corner but I need him to know that I don't care anymore.

I am making breakfast when I heard a faint knock on my door. I thought it was Hikaru. He always comes over during the weekends and spends time with me. I lazily walked towards the door and it was Mika at the door.

Mika's POV

I hesitated as I walked up Hirashi's apartment, I wonder If she still lives here, hopefully, she does. I wanted to tell her the truth whether she wanted to have me back in her life. I want her to know what happened and why I left, that's why I am climbing the stairs to the love of my life.(OMG I am cackling) I reached her door and my hands moved almost automatically, I knocked on the door a few slow times. I could hear lazy footsteps walking towards the door. 

The door opened and there stood the one and only, Hirashi Tepes......um.....wearing a tank top and shorts with a crazy bed head. I wanted to laugh at that moment, but I had to stay serious. Her eyes shot open when she saw me at her doorstep.

"What the fuck are you doing here." She asked with her voice full of venom.

"I need to talk to you." 

"Nah....dude I don't have time for this, come back later." She said as she tried closing the door, but before she could I kept my foot between restricting her from closing the door.

"Bruhh....can't you see I am trying to cook breakfast, I am hungry as fuck." 

"Well then I will join you." I said wanting to enter.





"Bro c'mon this is trespassing." She said as she just stared at me.

"You know what I can't take this anymore I am going in." I said entering her room.

"Ughh.....what did I do to deserve this."

"Nothing much has changed huh." The flat looked exactly like how it was 4 years ago except for a few minor changes and lots of clothes on the floor which did not match her style and looked more men like, so I assumed it was Hirashi's Boyfriend's.

I threw myself onto the couch as I watched Hiraashi cook something. After a few minutes I was hit with a strong sent of pancakes and maple syrup. I looked towards the the kitchen and saw her carrying two plates in her hand. She put both on the dining table and beckoned me to sit down. I walked towards her and sat down, she sat on the chair opposite of mine.

"So, what did you want to tell me about."

"The reason why I left 4 years ago."I said looking stern.

"Go on..... I am all ears." She took the first bite of her pancake.

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