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Hirashi's POV

I heard slight whimpers behind me. I turned around and saw Mikaela near my bed with dark red eyes. 'does he need blood?, Omg this is gonna be the first time I am feeding him my blood. Will he like it?" I thought as I got up. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked as I walked up to him. "I...I am fine." He said as he stuttered.

"If you wanted blood, you could have just shaken or called me awake. The reason I was called here with brute force was for you anyway." I said as I made him sit on his bed. He sat on the bed and I got on top of him, our faces inches away. I then put my right hand behind his neck and the other on his back as I pulled his face closer to my neck.

Mikaela's POV

I was inches away from her face when I felt her hands on my neck and my back pulling me closer to her neck. I didn't want to hurt her, but I was really thirsty and Krul wasn't here so she is my only option. I opened my mouth wide and let my fangs pierce through the crook of her neck. I felt her grip on my hair get stronger. I sucked on her blood till my hearts content, But suddenly I heard Hirashi whimpering. I assumed I sucked too hard, so I stopped and looked at her. "Did you drink enough?" Hirashi asked as she looked into my eyes. "Y...yeah" "good then I am going back to sleep." She said as she got off me and went back to her bed.

Sorry for the short chapter. I was really busy lately,  But I hope you guys are enjoying Mikaela x reader BLOOD BATH.

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