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Mika's POV

"Hey, and by the way, you can call me Mika." I said as I gave her one of my rare smiles

This girl really made me smile even though I've been going through all this shit. She sure changed me overnight. 

"Umm okay Mika." 

Suddenly we heard a loud knock on the door. Hirashi stood up and walked to the door, when she opened it I saw Lucas standing there.

"Hey Hirashi, it is time to go patrolling. Aren't you and Mika coming?" I heared Lucas say from behind the door.

Hirashi's POV

Lucas was standing next to me at the other side of the room. "Hey Hirashi, it is time to go patrolling. Aren't you and Mika coming?" Lucas asked as he tried to peek inside the room.

"Yeah we are coming in a bit." 

"okay" Saying that Lucas left. "Hey Mika, How about we go?"

"Sure let's go."

~Le royal Time skip~

We were walking down the streets when we heard a man calling from behind us.

"Hey there gorgeous." 

Third person POV

Mikaela and Hirashi looked behind them to see a drunk man walk up to them. He was so drunk he didn't realize those were vampires. The man walked up to Hirashi and was about to touch her when Mikaela stepped forward and told the man to back off.

"Dude calm down I will be done with your girl Hic in about an hour." The man said as he tried to push past Mikaela.

"How about I give you 100 yen, It is not fair that your the only one who gets to experience this Hic hot chick." 

Mikaela just stared at the man with a deadly look.

"I will give you 5 seconds to get away from us."

"what are you gonna do Hic run to mommy."





The man didn't seem to care.


Mikaela took out his sword and aimed it at the man, But

"Mika stop you can't just hurt him, let him be." Hiashi said as she stopped the blonde vampire from killing the drunk man.

"See your girlfriend doesn't even Hic  care, she wants a man who can take care of her needs and protect her in the streets and in the sheets."

Mikaela couldn't take it anymore. He punched the man in the face, grabbed Hirashi by the wrist and started running away. 

"Are you really running away from the crime scene?" Hirashi asked in the middle of laughs.

"shut up"

Mikaela Hyakuya x reader BLOOD BATHWhere stories live. Discover now