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Mika's POV

Hirashi and the other guy were coming our way. I got nervous, how will she react seeing me after all these years? She walked up to us, but completely ignored me and started talking to Lacas.

"Hey Lacas, long time no see."

"Omg, Hirashi how have you been?" Lacas seemed pretty happy to see her.

"Oh I've been fine, really, um did you and Rene finally confess?"

"Ahh yes, we are dating now."

"Let me introduce you to Hikaru, we stated dating 2 years ago."

"Hello Hikaru."

"oh By the way did you not see Mika?"

"We have to get going, right Hikaru?

"yeah I guess."

Hikaru's POV

I could sense Hirashi being uncomfortable. She told me about Mikaela before and I honestly felt sorry for her.

"We have to get going, right Hikaru?

"Yeah I guess."

We were about to walk away when Mikaela grabbed Hirashi's wrist and forcefully made her turn around.

Hirashi's POV

WTF, someone grabbed me by my wrist and turned me around, and that someone was Mika. I just glared at him with disgust.

"Hira we need to talk." Mika told as he looked straight into my eyes.

"Let me fucking go!!" I said in a harsh tone.

sorry for short chapter.

Mikaela Hyakuya x reader BLOOD BATHWhere stories live. Discover now