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Hirashi's POV

I went to the washroom and changed into black sweatpants and a half sleeved t-shirt. I came out and saw Mikaela staring into space. "Hello earth to Mikeala." I said as I waved my right hand up and down infront of his face. "Sorry I was just thinking." He said as he stood up. This man is literally taller than me. He towered over me and I just stared into his red orbs.

"Ayo dude are you a half-vampire," I asked as I stared into his lighter shade of red orbs. "How did you know." Mikaela asked a bit confused. Well, your eye colour is a lighter shade of red, Your sword is a second class one and I can sense less and weak power from you. "What about you, your a half-vampire, but you have darker eyes, more power, and a first-class sword." He asked as he gave me a judgemental look. "Did you forget, I am Krul's sister I have power that is equal to hers." "Hmm whatever." Mikaela said as he walked to his closet grabbing his clothes and walking into the washroom.

Mika's POV

I changed into white pants and a full sleeve, dark blue shirt. I walked out of the washroom and saw Hirashi on her bed scrolling through her phone. I wanted to ask her what she was doing, but I didn't want to invade her private life, so I just sat on my bed looking at her. I noticed that she was actually really pretty. She had the body of an hourglass. I think she noticed me staring because she looked at me with an emotionless face.

"What are you starting at Blondie?" She asked. "Blondie?" I asked confused at her new nickname for me. "Yep, that is my new nickname for you." She said as she turned her gaze back to her phone.

~Time skip to a few minutes later~

"I am going to sleep." Hirashi said keeping her phone on the table next to our bed. "Me too I guess." "Good night Mikaela."she said as she got under her cover. "Good night Hirashi." I said as I did the same.


I guess we been sleeping for a few hours. I looked at the clock on our table and saw that it was 2 in the morning, but the think that woke me up was my thirst, not for water but for blood. I stumbled towards Hirashi's bed but hesitated to wake her up.

Hirashi's POV

I heard slight whimpers behind me. I turned around and saw Mikaela near my bed with dark red eyes. 'does he need blood?, Omg this is gonna be the first time I am feeding him my blood. Will he like it?" I thought as I got up. "Hey are you okay?" I asked as I walked up to him. "I...I am fine." He said as he stuttered.

Mikaela Hyakuya x reader BLOOD BATHWhere stories live. Discover now