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Mika's POV

I left Hirashi's apartment in tears, fuck I knew it. She obviously liked her boyfriend, why would she like me back? God, what was I thinking? I should have just told her what happened and left, that way, at least a good friendship would remain, but I was too dumb to even think about that and told her how I felt. I shouldn't have listened to Lacus and Rene. Those bitches. 

~Flashback to last night~

Jesus, there are so many flashbacks. Evil author laughing noises in the background. Chokes on air, insane coughs.

WTF is wrong with me. ahem back to da story.

Me, Lacus and Rene were at a local bar, drinking the place dry, Lacus and his boyfriend were drunk making out.

"Ughh... can you guys stop, *hic* I am gonna puke now." I said with a disgusted face.

"C'mon Mika your  just *hic* jealous Hirashi is not here with you too have drunk sex. Right?" Rene said as he wiped his lips which had traces of Lacus's salaiva.

"OMG hahahahaha......imagine a jealous Mikaela. Fuck that would be a priceless expression."

"Shut up you two, *hic* I am not jealous, I am not a gay shipper." 

"Yeah...right, you were the happiest excluding crowley, when I said me and Lacus started *hic* dating."

"Anyway Mika tell me weren't you jealous when Hira told me that she was dating that um.....what was his name?.....uhh."

"Hikaru." I said putting my head on the table.

"Oh yeah Hikaru and the fact that she completely ignored you."

"Well I kinda was."

"See, this is what I said, Ayo listen if you want to get Hira back, tell her how you *hic* feel and kiss her man. Go to her apartment tomorrow." Rene said as he took another shot of his vodka.

"What if she pushes me away? What is she doesn't kiss me back?"

"Bruhh.....You and Hira literally had sex 4 years ago, What makes you think she would push you away?"

I immediately turned bright red at the thought of that passionate night we both shared. Fuck I still remember it like it was yesterday.

"Ok wait.....even if she rejects you tomorrow, I have another plan."

"Your just making me more nervous, but anyways spit it out."

"The one thing ex's hate the most is when their guy dates another girl, I am probably sure Hira is gonna get so jealous that she would dump her current boyfriend for you."

"But I don't like anyone else, I like her and only her."

"OMG your way dumber than I thought, Mika act like your dating someone and when she falls for you again, ditch the fake girlfriend and make Hirashi your's again."

"Wow Rene, that was one of your best plans yet." I said as I gave him a clap.

"Yeah now um......does that mean I can be your best man at your's and Hira's wedding."

"You got yourself a deal, but don't let Lacus know about this." 

"Talking about him where in the fucking world is he?" Rene said as he looked at the sleeping boy on his shoulder. Lacus passed out midway of  our conversation.

~End of flashback~

The idea came rushing into my mind, I am gonna get Hirashi back. I just have to find a normal, fake chick for this.

Ya'll do you think what Mika is doing is right? Do you think he will get Hirashi back or is he just gonna be more distant from her? Find out in the next chapter.

Damn cliffhanger

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