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(BTW You two are in your bedroom.)

Smut ahead

You still have a chance to go back

I am warning you

you have been warned


Mikaela swiftly claimed the other vampires lips and lifted her in his arms, causing Hirashi to gasp into the kiss; Mikaela took the opportunity to push his tongue into Hirashi's mouth. He walked up to the bed and gently placed Hirashi onto the mattress, not breaking the kiss. Mikaela worked to unbutton Hirashi's cape and shirt while Hirashi undid the blonde's cape and took off his uniform.

Mikaela threw the garments onto the floor and lead Hirashi to the center of the bed. Mikaela moved to trail kisses down the vampires's slim jawline down to her sent gland, sucking and lapping at the area.

"Ah.......Mika~......." Hirashi moaned out.

Mikaela sucked and licked the area until it was swollen and covered in hickeys. He made his way down Hirashi's neck till he reached one of her nipples and bit down on the sensitive area.

"Mika" Hirashi yelled out.

Mikeala held the flesh in between his teeth, slowly twisting her nipple between his teeth. As he sucked on one of Hirashi's nipples, he played with the other. He twisted, flicked and press down against the erected flesh, making sure to give each one equal attention.

Hirashi on the other hand was a moaning, screaming mess. The new sensations were overwhelming. She'd never touch herself even if she is on edge. She gripped the blonde's wet hair from all the sweat he had built up and screamed out Mikaela's name. Mikaela was sending indescribable sensations down her body. When he switched nipples, Hirashi arched her back, her clit beginning to trickle out of her heat.

Mikaela licked Hirashi's nipple one last time as he gazed at the small, slightly pink buds. He began trailing kisses down Hirashi's stomach; Hirashi trembled at the male's touch. Mikaela kisses Hirashi's stomach lazily as he took of Hirashi's undergarments, leaving her completely exposed underneath him.

Mikaela was hit with an intense vanilla scent once he took off Hirashi's underwear. The noirette's clit was visible under what little moonlight seeped through the curtains. Mikaela wasted no time and placed his head in between Hirashi's thighs as he licked up the wet substance.

"Ah! M-Mika......wait.....it's dirty!", Hirashi screamed out.

Mikaela paid no mind to the squirming vampire as he held Hirashi's thighs apart to have easy access to her entrance. Hirashi felt something building up inside her and felt like if it build up anymore, she would explode. As she attempted to crawl away from the blonde, Mikaela grabbed Hirashi's hips roughly and brought her back down, only this time he pushed his tongue into the other vampire's wet entrance.

"Mika~!!", Hirashi moaned out.

Hirashi gripped onto the blonde's hair as he thrusted his tongue relentlessly inside of her, curling and wiggling his tongue inside his mate's entrance. Hirashi moaned, gasped and trembled against the foreign sensation. She was beginning to see white, the immense heat all over her body as the vampire continued his assault. She pulled her hands off Mikaela's hair and gripped the sheets beside her head. Hirashi threw her head back as she screamed, back fully arched as Mikaela replaced his tongue with two fingers.

"Agh....mmm...Mika...!!", Hirashi whimpered out.

Mikaela immediately started thrusting his fingers rapidly inside Hirashi's tight hole as he bit Hirashi's earlobe. Mikaela groaned and breathed against Hirashi's ear, sending shivers down her spine. Hirashi at this point turned into putty in Mikaela's hands. The actual feeling was almost sinful! Mikaela began biting and marking the vampire's shoulders, collarbone, her chest, any nearby flesh as he inserted a third digit to open up the vampire's entrance.

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