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Hirashi's POV

The so-called double dates have been going on for 2 months now and to be honest it is entertaining to watch Mika try.

Once the four of us went to watch a movie and both Mika and Hikaru were fighting to see who could have a share of my soda and who could put their hands deep into my popcorn bucket with mine.

Until one day I found Yuna at the park crying. I decided to go talk to her, so I walked up to her and sat next to her under the tree.

"Hey what happened?" I asked, trying to get a look at her face.

"M....Mika broke up with me." Yuna answered with hiccups in the middle.

I was shocked to hear it.

"He..he said that, the only reason he dated me was to make you jealous." 

Yuu was right.

"I am so sorry." I said feeling guilty.

"No it is not your fault, Of course, your million times prettier than I am and you got both Hikaru and Mika wrapped around your fingers." Yuna stated looking at me.

She is right, I am the reason why she is like this.

"Mika told me everything about you and him, I am so sorry for what happened." She said again.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, wanting to know whether she thinks it is my fault.

"No, why would I be?"

"Thanks, I will talk to him." 

"No, you can't. He left for sanguinem."

That few words broke my heart. How can he just leave like that?, Without telling me?

"I guess I will go now." I said, tearing up a bit.

I walked out of the park, I unconsciously walked to Hikaru's place. I rang the doorbell, When he opened the door I just hugged him and started letting my tears out.

Hikaru's POV

I was in my room, when I suddenly heard the doorbell go off. I got up and looked through the peephole and saw it was Hirashi. I opened the door and saw her standing there looking down at her feet. Suddenly she embraced me and cried into my chest. She was trying to tell me something in the middle of her crys. Even though it wasn't clear, I could make out a few words.

"M....Mika le..left!!" She cried out.

"Shh...sh, It is fine. C'mon get in."

She walked into my apartment and I made her sit on the couch. She started telling me everything, it took me a while to process but I soon understood.

"You still like him.....don't you?" I asked looking into her ruby red eyes.

"Wha..what no, I like you." 

"Stop lying Hira, you can tell me the truth. I won't be mad." I said.

How can I be mad at her for something like this. After all Mikaela is the guy who she mated with, especially they both are vampires. 

"I am s..sorry Hikaru, I broke the promise we made."

"It is fine, I knew he liked you from the start." 

"Just know that I will always be right by your side when you need me. OK" I said, smiling at the girl in front of me.

"What do you mean?" she asked looking bewildered.

"Go to Mikaela, say you love him and get back with him." I stated.

"What about you?"

"I will be fine, Know that I still love you."

She looked into my eyes and then kissed me, I closed and enjoyed the last kiss we will be sharing. The both of us separated for air.

"I am so sorry, I broke your heart."

God what am I doing? Did I just make Hirashi break Hikaru's heart?? This book is gonna end in a few chapters, maybe even 1 or 2.

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