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Hirashi's POV

Finally, 6 months have passed and I can go back to Shinjuku. I should be happy, right? wrong. I have been sad all day at the thought of leaving Mika all alone in this hell hole. It's killing me. Krul came back from her war and she summoned me and Mika to her throne room. We were walking through the hallways, I looked at Mika and he seemed really sad.

"Hira, Mika you guys are here. How were your six months together?"

"It was good I guess."

"Anyway Hirashi it is time for you to go back to Shinjuku."

"Yeah I know, but can I ask you something?"

"Sure what is it Hira?"

"Can Mika come with me......just to drop me home, he will come back."

"If you say so."

"Ok then I will be taking my leave."

We walked quietly towards the exit of Sanguinem. Mika was still not talking. The silence was really annoying me. Once we finally reached the apartment I was living in I turned to Mika.

"Why are you ignoring me."

"I am not ignoring you." He said as he stared into my eyes.

"Then why the fuck are you not talking to me?"


I couldn't take it anymore, I hugged Mika and started crying into his chest. I felt his hands wrap around me.

"I am sorry."

"Mika I know your mad at me for leaving, but I don't want to stay there. Can we just spent the next few hours we have together without tears and only happiness?"

"Yeah bitch sure let's go....which is your flat number."

"Here he is again."

We entered my apartment and sat on the couch. My flat wasn't that big but it had two bedrooms a kitchen, living room and two bathrooms.

"Hey Mika, do you want to see Yuu?'

"What you can call him?"

"Yeah of course."

"Ok then"

I texted Yuu to come over after 20 minutes I heard a knock on the door. I ran to the door opened it and saw Yuu standing there.

"Hey bitch."

"Hey Shawty bae."

Me and Yuu hugged and let go after a few seconds. He looked into the room and saw Mika.

"Hey Mika." Yuu said as he walked up to his foster brother.


They looked at each other for a few minutes and then Mika got up and hugged Yuu. They shared a moment of bromance until I stopped them, ya I know I am a homewrecker.

The three of us talked and talked for hours.

"Hey Yuu." I said as I tried to get his attention.


"Are you seeing someone?"

"That is a good question but nah I didn't find myself a lil boo thang or whateva."

"What you lost your game?"

"HUH What nonsense are you spitting, of course not. I got hoes on my left and right."

"Where the fuck they at?"

"For real?" Mika asked with a stupid smile

"Me no want a hoe, me want a wifey."

"You guys do realize, we are still 16."

"Hush Mika no one cares."

Yuu stayed for a hew more hours and by evening he left.

"Hey Mika it is 8pm, If you head out now you will reach Sanguinem my 10."

"Umm.....Before I go I want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I....I really love you Hirashi."

"I....you love me?!!"

"Ya I do, do you love me back?"

"Mika.....I.....I think I love you too."

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