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Mika's POV

 "What is that boy's full name?" I asked looking a bit more serious. "Yuichiro Hyuakuya, wait OMG so you were the guy Yuu was talking abou-." Hirashi suddenly stopped talking and put her head down. "Hey what happened?" I asked.

"It is nothing.....just thinking about my terrible past." Hirashi said with her head still down, refusing to look at me. "What were you talking about anyway?" 

Hirashi let out a loud sigh and finally looked me in the eye. "Before I told you about my escape from sanguinem, right?" 

"Yeah you did."

"Well I just realized that the day I ran away from this hell hole was the exact same day you and your family tried to escape from here too. You see I was just 12 that time and I couldn't take the torture anymore so I wrote a note and kept it on my night stand and started walking down the mansion halls but what I didn't know was that Ferid was actually walking down the same halls and we came across each other."

"He asked me where I was headed to, but I just shook my head and ran away as fast I could. Luckily I made it out of sanguinem alive." Hirashi said with a look of sadness.

"Okay and then?" I asked curiously

"The story doesn't end here..........while Ferid was trying to look for me........he caught you guys. So the actual reason for why you guys got caught was because of me and not......Ferid.

'I couldn't believe my ears, so after all these years I found the reason for my family's death. I promised myself that I would get revenge on the bastard who killed my family, but I can't stay mad at Hirashi, after all it isn't her fault.' I thought as I looked at the girl in front of me with utter shock. 

Hirashi's POV

After I finally said the whole truth to Mikaela I felt a pang of guilt. It was all my fault......it was because of me that Yuu and Mikaela are miserable.

"You have all the rights of being angry at me, but I am really sorry." I said almost breaking down in tears. This is the first time I cried in the past 12 years of my life.

My trance broke when I heard a slight chuckle. I looked up at Mikaela and saw him laughing while looking at me. "Why are you laughing? Aren't you supposed to be tearing me apart with anger."

He laughed even harder at my comment. After a few minutes the laughter died down but his smile remained on his face. "And why would I be mad at you?" "Because I am kinda the reason why your still here, all alone." 

"Ha seems like the Queen's sister is an idiot." He said with a smug look on his face.

"I don't understand." I said a bit surprised.

Mika's POV

"Listen here. You didn't do anything, it was all that silver haired bastard. I understand why you wanted to leave this place and I know you've been going through a lot." After saying these few words I did something that made me feel weird but quite comfortable. I stood up and walked to her bed. 

"B.....but I......I " 

"Shhhhh it is fine Hirashi. Don't be worried." I said as I wrapped her in a tight hug.

 She gasped at the sudden touch but returned the embrace. We stayed like that for a couple seconds, but it felt like forever. I finally let go of her and looked at her, and I saw Hirashi smile for the very first time. 

"Hey, and by the way you can call me Mika." I said as I gave her one of my rare smiles

This girl really made me smile even though I've been going through all this shit. She sure changed me over night. 

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