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Hikaru's POV

Me and Hira were in the park with ice cream in our hands. We were sitting on the swings eating the cold dessert. Yeah I know we are 20-year-old adults, but c'mon who doesn't like ice cream and swings?

"Chocolate ice cream is the best." Hira took another lick of her Belgium chocolate.

"Nope," I said

"Yes it is, fight me."

"Ahh no. No thanks."

"Good." She said as she smiled at me.

I saw a bit of ice cream near her lips and I decided to do the cliche thing, were the guy leans in closer and wipes it for her.

I leaned in and I could see Hira turn red, Heh.....she is too cute. I looked at her right in the eye and gently put my hands on her cheek moving it to her lips wiping the ice cream off her.

I then got back to acting normal and ate the rest of my ice cream. "W..What was that?"She said looking all red and flustered.

"What was what?"

"What you just did now."

"Oh that, I was just taking care of my girlfriend who eats like a child." I smirked at her.

"Whatever dammit."

"What is your favorite colour?" I asked looking straight.





"No way."

"Ahh its gotta be red."


"Those eyes of yours." I said as I looked at her ruby red orbs. It was mesmerizing, I could stare at it all day.

"And you always seem to get red." I said with a smug look.

"Shut the fuck up!!!" She said her face once more looking like a tomato.

We talked for a few more minutes until we heard faint footsteps in front of us. I didn't really pay heed to it, so I just ignored the footsteps.

"Fancy seeing you here."

I looked up and saw Hira's ex standing there with another girl who had her hands all on him. I looked at Hirashi and saw her looking at them.

"Oh Hey Mika, what are you doing here?"

"Why, cant I come to the park?"

"I mean, of course you can. Just didn't expect to see you here that's all."

I turned to Hira once again and gave her a confused look. I think she understood cause she got up and started waving her hands up and down.

"Hikaru....um well yesterday Mika came to my apartment and yeah we talked things out, he left me cause of my sister."

"Oh I see."

I got up and looked at Mikaela.

Mika's POV

I was walking around the park with Yuna, my fake girlfriend when I noticed two all too familiar people sitting in the swings. It was Hirashi and her boyfriend. I walked up to them.

"Fancy seeing you here."

You guys know what happens next

Hikaru looked at Hira with a confused look, I think he indirectly wanted to ask her whether me and Hira were OK again.

"Hikaru....um well yesterday Mika came to my apartment and yeah we talked things out, he left me cause of my sister."

"Oh I see."

Ahh.... Hira is not saying everything we did (the kiss and the rejection). Guess she wants to keep it to herself.

"By the way Hira, this is me girlfriend Yuna." I said giving her a gentle smile of mine.

Hirashi's POV

"Hey Hirashi, nice to meet you." Yuna said waving her right arm while the other was grabbed onto Mika's arm, Mika didn't really hold her back. He just kept his hands in his pockets.

"Nice to see you Yuna."

"So do you guys mind if we continue this as a double date." Mika asked Hikaru.

"I don't mind." He replied back. "What about you Hira?"

"Nah I don't mind, The more the merrier." I said holding back my annoyence.

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