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Hirashi's POV


I woke up at around 10 in the morning. I sat up and stretched, screeching like a dying whale. My bed was all messy. The thoughts of last night came rushing into my mind and I felt my face get on fire. I looked around my room and didn't see Mika anywhere neither did his clothes. I thought he'd be in the living room or kitchen. 

I put on a black tank top and booty shorts and walked out of my room searching my apartment for Mika. I couldn't find him anywhere. Then I thought he might be in the washroom so I walked back to my room. I checked the restroom, but he wasn't there. I walked out of there worried when I noticed a slip of paper on my desk. I opened it up and read it.

Dear Hirashi,

If your'e reading this I am sure you searched your apartment for me. I will be long gone by the time you find this letter. If your wondering why Iv'e left, well, It is difficult to say. But know that I am not leaving because I detest you. No, it is because I love you too much to see you throw away your life for someone like me.

I will never stop thinking about you. Everyday I will wonder if your eating well and taking care of yourself. I guess you thought about me enough to say you love me too.

Call me selfish, call me cruel, But I won't let you risk your life for the sake of us being together. It pains me too know that I'll never see you again.

I am in no place to ask you for anything, but I must make these selfish requests. Take care of yourself. Secondly, I don't want you to search for me. Iv'e come to terms with fate and you should as well. Know that from this moment I will erase my feelings for you, and wish nothing but the best for you and your future. There is no need to look for me as I do not wish to see you again.

With a heavy heart, I bid you farewell. know that my love for you was nothing but pure, and maybe in our next lives we can be together. I love you Hira, and you will always hold a special place in my heart.

Your's lovingly,


A tear rolled down my cheek as I read the letter from him. I felt pure hatred towards him. He used me and left me all alone. 

A few days after Mika left, I went to Sanguinem to meet Krul and ask her about Mika. He wasn't there.

If he wanted me to forget about him, then so be it.

4 Years later

Me and my boyfriend Hikaru were walking home from the park, laughing and talking. I started dating Hikaru a year after Mika left and honestly he is very nice. I met him at the JIDA Head quarter, he is the son of one of Guren's friends. He is a part of Shinya's squad. 

"Hikaru, your so funny." I exclaimed as Hikaru told me about the embarrassing things he did as a kid.

I noticed two me in front of us, they were wearing the vampire uniforms. I looked closely towards the two and, recognized one as Lacas and there was another blonde with him....


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