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The two of them were totally in love, but they didn't want to admit it. Hirashi was dating another guy at the same time wanting to be back with Mikaela, he, on the other hand, was a completely in-love introvert. He didn't know how to express his love to Hirashi.

The both of them leaned in and their tongues connected, they were moving in sync. Mikaela left no part of her mouth unexplored. It was 4 years of pent love after all.

Mika's POV

We separated for air, we kissed for just mere minutes but it felt like forever. We hugged each other, relaying on one another's body for warmth. I gripped her hair and it smelled like rosy-lavender. 


"I love you." I said finally giving in my feelings for her.

"Mika I....."


"Mika, I am dating Hikaru."


"It is not like you can't dump him! C'mon Hirashi." I yelled, angry at her.

"Why would I!? I love him Mika not you!"

"I am sorry Mika but it is the truth."

"F..Fine, why do I care?" 

I crossed my arms and pouted.

Hirahi's POV

I knew what I was doing was wrong, I knew I loved him. More than anything in this world. But I can't just ditch Hikaru, he loved me, with everything in him.

"Mika....can you leave? I want some time alone. please."

Mika didn't say anything. He just walked out my door slamming it on his way. 

I fell on my knees crying, why did I do this?  just why? I love him and I had a chance to get him back but..... I just couldn't hurt a poor guy's heart.

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