Chapter 6

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Not all alone

"I want to destroy Foresight Tower and overturn this government" he said with a hint of determination in his voice.

Your eyes widened out: he really did mean it when he said he was being driven to insanity.

"Are you crazy?! Why?! You do realise that you're automatically condemning yourself to death, do you? That place is controlled by guards as heck, plus how about Kray? He's a Burnish too, you would get yourself killed!" you protested.

"Well, honestly, is there a better life waiting for me if not the one that awaits me if I destroy Kray's government?" he asked with his crossed arms "plus if I do so you would also get your benefits, do you? You said you hated Kray after all"

That was actually true, but that still didn't mean that he could simply do that!

"Aren't you afraid of failing this plan though? What if Kray kills you?"

"Well, what do I have left by now? Our planet is dead, my companions are comatose and I could lose control everyday just like when I slammed you on the wall. He could even kill me right now, he would do me a favour"

"What about me now?! You can't tell me I don't have a role in your life now" you said: suddenly you were afraid of losing this guy you had just known for a week.

He hopelessly smiled.

"Y/N, you're a normal human. You can easily find another person to talk to" he said with a sad smile.

"But it wouldn't be the same, Lio...every person is different"

For some reason when you said that some blush creeped on his cheeks: truly an enigmatic guy.

"...but you still would have memories of me burning your wrist and hand" he said, trying to lighten up the mood.

But in vain: you weren't in the mood for jokes.

He felt the weight of your gaze on him, and he asked himself how the hell he ended up in that situation. But he only sighed in the end as usual.

"Y/N, no matter what you tell me, you won't be able to change my mind: I have to try it my all, I'll wait until the time is favourable and attack. I will wake up my comrades and together with them we will bring a better government. I think that I also have good chances to succeed: Kray probably doesn't know that I'm still alive and he has lowered his defences. That idiot probably thinks that he now rules a peaceful country without any threats, when the threat is right under his nose. And if I die in the process, then it was fate: at least I will be in a better place than this"

You had to control yourself from spitting out shameful things.

"Why did you even tell me this if you knew that I would have had something to say against this?" you said with teary eyes.

He made a slightly sad smile.

"Because, if I die, I at least want just one person to remember me. You're the only one I have now. Please, carry on my memory for me, okay?"

You were now on the verge of breaking down: he didn't have the right to tell you these things and pretend like it was okay! It wasn't totally okay, and you knew that somewhere, deep in his heart, he was afraid of dying.

You wouldn't accept his possible sacrifice for this.

"Precisely because you have me as your friend now, do you seriously want to risk your life for this...?" you asked almost whispering.

" see me as your friend?" he replied with a surprised tone of voice.

You looked up and noticed a pleasantly surprised gaze in his eyes.

The Last Burnish (Lio Fotia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now