Part 31

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3rd person POV:

Jeongin sits on his bed staring at y/n his face going into shock with his jaw slowly dropping as she presents him with this news. Jeongin's eyes blink fast as he tries to form words. "H-h-how!?" He stutters out as he pulls y/n in for a hug his once gaped whole turns into a wide cheesy smile his eyes filling with tears as he laughs excitedly and nervous.

He pulls y/n back holding onto her shoulders looking her in her eyes. "How?" He asks tears falling from his eyes emotions overflowing him. "I-I don't know the doctor said there was always a one percent chance that even if getting my tubes tied I could still get pregnant....and I'm that one percent." Y/n tells him her eyes filling up with tears.

"Oh my god! I'm so excited! I-I don't know what to say" Jeongin says tears flowing down his face. "Wow...I can't believe's like it's meant to be." Jeongin says excitedly hugging her tightly then pulling back away from her. " I'm going to be a dad..." he says shocked his brain still slowly processing everything.

"Mm" y/n says nodding her head softly smiling with tears in her eyes. Jeongin is over the moon excited unsure of what to do He can't help but smile his eyes the shape of the moon at its crescent phase.

Y/n's heart warms up seeing how happy he is that he wants to be a dad. Y/n's smile slowly fades as the darkness of the situation starts taking over.

Jeongin lays his eyes on y/n his eyes that were once crescents and filled with joy slowly starts to fade now more so with worry and sadness as he reads y/n's eyes.

A drop feeling forms in his stomach knowing y/n doesn't look right. Tears start falling from y/n's face and little sobs following with them but they are indeed not happy tears or a happy cry. Jeongins eyebrows knit together as the dropping in his stomach gets more intense.

"Y/n, what aren't you telling me?" He asks her his voice soft yet demanding with worry.

Y/n leans forward laying her head in his lap crying. Jeongin sets his hand on the top of her head rubbing back and forth slowly shushing her in a comforting way all while panicking inside unsure of what was wrong.

He comforts her as she cries for a while until he picks her head up wiping her tears. His eyes watery thinking of negative scenarios.

"You need to calm down...whatever it is I'm sure that everything will be okay...I'm here and you will be okay." He tells her softly looking into her sad eyes.

Y/n POV:

Two pairs of sad eyes looking at one another yet the one who doesn't know what's wrong and had more reason to be scared is being's funny how that works.

I try to form my words but looking into his sad and scared eyes makes it harder. But there isn't escaping this...not telling him, and definitely not the situation.

"The doctor said there is a fifty percent chance I miscarry...." I stop speaking the lump in my throat getting bigger. "And there is a high possibility I won't make it through the delivery...when I got my tubes tied it wasn't done be a professional Jin messed something up I can't remember exactly what the doctor said but the baby has a bigger chance making it out of this then I do..."

I tell him tears streaming down my face. Jeongin looks at me his face going blank. I can see in his eyes they are empty. I feel his aura change into a state of panic and I know In his mind it's a whirlwind.

He shakes his head no processing everything tears puddling his eyes. " you will make it...y-you can." He says I can see the fear in his eyes that absolutely shatters my heart into billions of tiny pieces.

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