Part 40

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~two years later~

3rd person POV:

It's been two years since everything has happened. It's now fall the air a little crisp with the hot sun radiating on you creating a warm invisible blanket.

It's around seven in the morning and everyone starts waking up getting ready for the day. Chan's eyes open slowly squinting from the light shining through his curtain.

Chan lets out a sigh sitting up looking around. "God why do I have to keep waking up." He mutters to himself getting out of bed.

*knock knock knock*

"I'm awake." Chan says through the door. Footsteps are heard walking away down the hall. Today Straykids has a very important business meeting with another mafia gang called EXO.

Chan gets dressed into some nice attire after washing his face and brushing his teeth. He goes out his room down to the dining room where everyone is silently eating breakfast just the eight of them.

It hasn't been the same with y/n not with them. The house is more quiet and dull the maids work silently while the members complete their missions staying to themselves mostly.

Everyone finished eating getting up ready to go. "I'll meet you guys in the van." Chan tells them as they all walk out of the dining room.

'Okays' are heard from most of the members as they go in a separate direction in which Chan is.

Chan walks towards the back of the house going into lee knows medical room.

Chan looks at the bed looking at y/n sleeping still in a coma

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Chan looks at the bed looking at y/n sleeping still in a coma. He walks over to her bed resting his hands down on the bar.

There are two nurses in the room watching her heart beat and brain activity continuously checking her vitals. "May I have a minute?" Chan asks the nurses. The two nurses step out walking out of the glass door that opens on its own.

"You need some sunlight." Chan tells her walking over to the blinds opening them up. He lets out a sigh brushing off his hands as of he did some hard work.

Chan goes back over to y/n standing beside her bed once again where he finds himself most of the time if there is no work to do.

"Today marks the second year of you not with's been hard, holidays and birthdays. In fact, we've all chosen to ignore them. We won't celebrate one day off life until you are back...anyways, today is a big day you know that business meeting I've been telling you about everyday for the past four months? Yeah, that one. Well it's today hopefully if everything goes right we will have a new important ally and not only that but it's gives me the opportunity to make my clubs and restaurants international. I'm nervous.. we've all been working very hard especially the maknae's Jeongin, Seungmin, Jisung, and Hyunjin fill there schedules to keep themselves busy. I think it's a way of pushing you out of their heads. We miss you a lot. Everyone has changed so much since you've been gone.. even the maids everyone missed your beautiful radiant smile and your laugh that is music to everyone's ears. I just need you to wake up...please...with you gone I've lost myself and we just need you back..i need you back y/n." Chan tells her with tears falling down his face.

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