Chapter 21

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You know how we have those affirmations like "I can do it", "I'm worth it", "I'm the best", that we tell ourselves throughout the day? Well, it looks like I've got a new one. It goes, "I'm a fucking idiot." And I've been telling that to myself for the past few minutes. It's all I do these days. Ever since I met Meera, it seems like I've lost that one last braincell that was keeping me alive and sane. Now all I do is do stupid shit and beat myself up for it later.

Like how a few minutes before, when I saw Meera, I lied about the washroom being out of order. There was not a fucking thing wrong with that stupid washroom. I made that shit up just so I could talk to her more. Like I said, I'm an idiot. Case in point.

It's a good thing she believed me, but I've got to admit, that was really gullible of her. What if I was some stranger trying to lure her into their lair?!

And as stupid as I am, I have to admit, I shocked myself when I resisted the urge to kiss her. Especially, when she was wearing that damn saree. Why'd she have to wear it? She's already in mind 24×7. But no, she had to wear that saree.

Does she not know that a woman in a traditional saree, looking all sexy and goddess-like, is every Indian male's wet dream.

All I wanted to do was slowly peel that saree off of her and lick her all over her-

Stop thinking about it, you fucking idiot!

See? Like I said I'm an idiot. I really hate it when Varun is right. He warned me, time and time again. Even during the wedding ceremony, he kept elbowing me in my ribs everytime I stared at her like a dog stares at a piece of bone. Not that I'm comparing her to a bone. But I didn't listen. I kept staring at her.

At this point, I'm more curious than anything. I want to know, what is it about her? What is so special about her that I can't seem to take my eyes off of her, whenever we're in the same room?

It's not just because of her beauty. I've met and interacted with girls more beautiful than her. Then why is it that I've never felt anything close to what I'm feeling now, towards any of them? I want to know. And the only one who can answer the question, is her.

Shraddha and Karthi leaves with the photographers to get a wedding video recorded, just the two of them. We'll meet them at the reception at 7.

In a real south Indian wedding, the bride is supposed to be taken to the groom's house, where she is welcomed by her new family and in-laws. But since they wanted to get married here at this beachhouse, they decided to save that tradition for later.

But it's not like they'll live with Karthi's parents. They are both settled in banglore, with stable jobs and friends. Their life is there. So there's that.

"Where the hell have you been? ", Varun asks when he sees me loitering around the back of the wedding hall.

"We were going to eat when I noticed that you were nowhere to be seen. But then I realised Shraddha's sister was also missing. I thought I'd find you with her, but it turns out she already left with her cousins. But you can't blame me for thinking that. You have no sense of control when it comes to her", he says, blabbering on.

His lack to trust in my self control is insulting. He's right of course, but it's still insulting.

I follow him into the hall and realise that it's almost deserted. Almost everyone has left except Shraddha's dad and uncles. I join Rudra and a few of Karthi's cousins to eat. It's been too long since I've had a traditional sadhya. I even asked for a second helping of the delicious payasam*.

(In the southern part of India, kheer is called payasam or payasa, meaning milk. The difference between the kheer and payasam are that payasam is typically made with jaggery and the consistency is usually thinner)

As soon as we get back at the beach house, I decide to give mom a call. I video called her during the wedding ceremony so that she can see Karthi tie the knot. She was heart broken that she couldn't attend it. She made me promise to call her as soon as I got back at the beach house, to give a complete recap of what happened.

I think she's mistaking me for her gossiping friends who never fails to analyse and report every single detail that happened in her absence, especially Lakshmi aunty.

Mom picks up in the first ring.

"Hey, mom"

"Hey, baby", she says.

What? I'm a mama's boy.

"Is Karthi with you?", She asks.

"No. They'll be back after taking some photographs for the wedding album", I tell her.

"Oh. So our Karthi has gotten married. He found someone and now he has married her. He's your age, you know. And yet here you are playing video games all day. Do you think any girl will marry you if you play all day?", She asks.

There it is.

I knew it. I knew she would bring it up. I swear ever since I turned twenty five, my mother has been dropping these hints here and there about my marriage. But lately, she doesn't bother to hint at it, she cuts straight to the point. No hesitation, whatsoever.

Between my mom and Karthi's mom, it's a miracle that I'm still single. If it were up to those two ladies in my life, I would have been married with a kid on tow by now.

"Mom, don't start", I tell her, "and Karthi plays video games as much as I do".

"Lakshmi said that you met a girl at the wedding", mom says as if she didn't hear me and I almost choke on the air.


Karthi's mom doesn't disappoint. I knew that woman was up to no good. If she told my mom about Meera only after that small incident during the haldi ceremony, then I can't imagine what she would've told her if she knew I kissed Meera. My mom would probably be here with a proposal.

I shudder at the thought.

"Mom, Lakshmi aunty needs a new hobby. That's Meera, Shraddha's sister", I tell her as if Lakshmi aunty didn't relay her biodata with her life history to my mom. "I just gave her a ride to their house. It was nothing."

"You don't tell your mother anything these days", mom says making me roll my eyes.

Typical move.

"I call you every week, mom. If it's gossip you want to hear, you should probably give a call to Varun. He never misses anything", I tell her.

"So, this girl-", she starts to say but I interrupt her.

"Mom, I have to get ready for the reception. I'll video call you later", I tell her but before she can interrupt me again, I hang up.

I'll pay for that later.

The women in my life, I swear, they're all out to get me. And yes, I'm also talking about Meera. Apparently I've started to think about her as more than someone I met at the wedding.

Like I said, I'm an idiot.

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