Chapter 31

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"Not tomorrow. I'm busy tomorrow", Karthi says as he takes a swig of his water.

"Doing what?", Varun asks him.

"Shraddha and I are going to meet her gynaecologist", he says.

"You're trying to have a baby?", I ask him, shocked.

"No, not now, atleast. We just wanted to make sure we're both healthy incase we want to try in the near future", he says.

"Oh", I say.

"So tomorrow's not it. I'm not free for the next two days after that either. So how about the weekend?", Varun asks.

"Yeah, the weekend's fine", he says.

"The weekend alright with you guys?", Varun asks as he looks between me and Rudra.

"Yeah, I'm free", I say at the same time Rudra nods.

"Alright, so it's decided. We're going to Nandi hills this weekend", he says before narrowing his eyes at Karthi, "and no chicks allowed. And that means you wife too."

"I know. This isn't our first guy's trip", Karthi rolls his eyes at Varun.

"Just reminding you. You've been on your wife's tail since your wedding", Varun says.

"Fuck off", Karthi flips him off.

"Well, now that it's settled, I'm leaving", I tell them as I get up from the chair.

"Where are you going? You usually leave after 5", Varun says as he looks at the time on his watch.

"I've to meet someone", I say vaguely. I don't want him, of all people, to get suspicious.

Meera texted me a while ago asking me if I could pick her up. I was surprised, I'll admit. I even asked her if she was kidding, and she was not. So I'm going to pick her up and I can't contain my excitement.

"Someone?", Varun asks with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah, someone", I tell him as I stare him down. But he ignores my death stare and continues to look suspicious and intuitive contrary to his usual idiotic dumb self.

"Do we know this someone?", The fucker asks. Rudra and Karthi looks at my face, waiting for my answer.

Nosy bastards!

They're worse than gossiping teenagers.

"No one you know", I tell him, hoping he'll give up. But I should've known, when has that fucker ever let go of an opportunity to torment me? Never, that's what.

"Well, this someone, that apparently none of us has heard about before now, does it happen to be a someone of the female variety?", He asks. I think he has a death wish. Why else would he try to fuck with me when I'm a moment away from running him over with my jeep?

"And if it does?", I should've said no. And my gut is proven right when he smirks, satisfied. He knows there's only one girl that I'm after.

"Well, then don't let me hold you up. She might be waiting for you", he says leaning back. Karthi looks a little suspicious as he looks between us.

But before he can connect any dots, I grab my jacket from the table, "I'll meet you guys tomorrow at my place, 8'o clock, yes?", I ask.

"Yeah, I'll bring the drinks", Rudra says with a nod.

"Yeah, we'll be there. Make sure you cook us something ", Karthi says and I don't argue.

"Say hi to her for me", Varun says and I flip him off as I walk away from the table, ignoring the looks on the face of the people around us.

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