Chapter 27

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"So Diya, where are you from?", I ask Meera's new friend as we enter the main road.

"I'm from Mumbai", she says.

"Oh, so are you staying in the dorms?", I ask her.

"Yeah. But my room mate sucks. Too bad Meera's staying with her sister, otherwise we could've traded rooms", she says as she moves forward in her seat.

"Too bad, indeed", I say as I glance at Meera. When she raises her eyebrows at me, I look away.

I don't know what it is about her today, but it's been driving me crazy since this morning. Maybe it's that green kurti that she's wearing. She looks good in green. Too damn good and it's messing with my head .

I have all this restless energy inside me and to make matters worse, I'm sporting a semi just looking at her. I bring my elbow down as I hold the bottom part of the steering wheel, trying to discreetly hide the evidence of my arousal for her.

"So Vikram, what do you do?", Diya asks as she places her hands on the headrests of the seats, distracting me.

"I work as a Project Manager at Info Park. I work with Meera's brother-in-law", I tell her, thankful for her presence. She is acting like a buffer between me and Meera and she doesn't even know it.

"Oh. So do you live near them?", She asks and I can see Meera is getting annoyed by every minute. I think she's afraid Diya will know I'm not just her sister's friend.

"Yeah. In the apartment just above theirs. Karthi, that's Meera's brother-in-law, and I used to be room mates before Shraddha, and that's Meera's sister, moved in with him. Did you know that Meera is staying in my old room? She specifically asked for it", I tell her, satisfied when Meera whips her head towards me with a glare.

"I did not. It was the only room available", she bites out looking between Diya and me.

Diya laughs, "you guys are so cute", she says and I can't hide my smile. But that just makes Meera even more pissed off.

"We aren't anything. Ever", she says and I lose my smile.

"Are you sure about that, darling?", I ask her as I lean towards her, it's a damn good thing that we're stuck in traffic.

Her breath hitches lightly before she turns away from me, "yeah", she mutters.

"We'll see", I mutter back before facing the front.

The rest of the ride is silent as there's this thick tension inside the car that feels like it'll snap any moment. When we reach the bookstore, I wait for them to get out before parallel parking the car.

"I'll wait here. You guys go on", I tell them as I take a moment to calm down. I try not to stare at Meera's ass as it sways lightly when she walks away.

What? I'm no saint. I'm a man and men are gross, disgusting creatures who thinks farting is funny and pissing off the girl we like is romantic.

I wait inside the car, reading some of my emails. It's almost twenty minutes later that Meera and Diya walk out of the store, a plastic bag holding their books in their hands.

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