Chapter 25

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I wake up to Karthik knocking on my door, "Meera, wake up. It's time for breakfast", he says.

I roll on the bed searching for my mobile, when I don't find it, I wake up. I scan the room for my mobile before finding it charging in the desk. I check the time, it's 7.30am.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face in the bathroom, I head back to the bedroom to comb my hair. I close the bedroom door on my way out. As soon as I turn around the hall way, I stop in my tracks.

Leaning against the kitchen counter with a bowl in hand and a lopsided smile on his face is none other than Vikram, the bane of my existence.

He's dressed in a formal white shirt and grey dress pants and a crooked tie. His feet adorned with socks are crossed at his ankles. His hair is tied back in his usual bun.

He checks his watch before looking at me and saying, "Good morning, Meera. Did you sleep well?"

His eyes rave over me, from top to bottom. When his eyes stay on my legs for a moment I realise I'm wearing my sleep shorts. He quickly averts his eyes when I clear my throat.

I narrow my eyes at him when his gaze meets mine. He gives me an innocent shrug in response. I roll my eyes before heading to the kitchen, walking past him.

"Good morning, Meera. The cereal is on the top right shelf. Milk is in the fridge. Shraddha and I can't cook, so that's it for breakfast. I'm sorry", Karthik says as he walks towards the kitchen counter.

He's dressed in a blue shirt and black dress pants. His tie is also black to match the pants.

"Cereal is more than fine", I tell him as I grab a bowl from the shelf. After eating shitty hostel food for three years, I can't complain.

I grab the box of cereal from the top right shelf before opening the fridge. I bend over to search for the carton of milk when I hear a throat clearing. I look back at Karthik to see him glaring at Vikram who has an innocent look on his face. I quickly grab the milk before pouring some of it into the bowl. Next I add the cereal to the bowl.

"Did you just add cereal to the milk?", Vikram asks.

I turn towards him after grabbing a spoon, "um... Yes?"

"You don't add cereal to milk, you add milk to the cereal. That's how it should be done", he says in a way that makes me think I committed some grave sin.

"What's your problem? A lot of people do it my way", I tell him as I scoop some cereal into my mouth.

"Yeah. A lot of serial killers and psychos do it your way", he says sarcastically.

"No, you sound like a psycho", I tell him.

Before he can say anything, Shraddha comes into the kitchen dressed in a kurta and pants.

"Good morning", she says as she enters the kitchen before making a bowl of cereal for herself.

"Good morning", I say around a mouthful of cereal.

"We'll leave for work in fifteen minutes. Will you be okay staying here all by yourself?", She asks.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. You don't have to worry. I may head out to get to know the place for a little bit. I also need to get copies of some documents", I tell her.

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