Chapters 1-10

994 14 4

'Tehee'= Bold, new chapter titles
'Tehee'= Italic Underlined, giving an example photo or explanation
'Tehee'= Italics alone, character thoughts
[...]= Footnotes at the end of chapter with explanation of a Chinese word or meaning

Chapter 1: Surprise, she's getting married

21st century, Eastern Sea City's high-ranked private hospital, Department Head's office.

Thunk went the thick stack of medical reports on the table. Department Head Lin's complexion was ashen and he was beside himself with rage.

"Han Yunxi[1]! Mr. Li is one of Soaring Cloud Conglomerate's directors that possesses 40% of our hospital's equity shares. You have to treat his poison first!"

Faced with the man's wrath, Han Yunxi stuck both hands in the pockets of her doctor's coat, completely calm. "Department Head Lin, I'm very sorry, but Mr. Li's been afflicted with a slow-acting snake venom. Unless it's a critical situation, I won't let him cut to the front of the line."

She was a fresh and pure beauty, with large eyes and two dimples. Despite her youth, her astounding talent with acupuncture had made her well-known in the traditional Chinese medicine circles as a seldom-seen detoxification expert. Whether it was a chemistry-based poison or endotoxins within the body, eliminating either counted amongst her strong points.

"You! Get it straight woman! This is Soaring Cloud Conglomerate!" the department head was indignant enough to slam the table and rise to his feet in anger.

"Department Head, I'll say it again. Mr. Li's condition isn't urgent. No matter who it is, before a doctor, everyone is..." Before Han Yunxi could finish, she was interrupted.

"Enough, don't talk to me about equality in a doctor's eyes. There are only differences between men and women. Han Yunxi, let me tell you, arrange to treat his poison immediately or else you can leave the medical community today!"

A warning? He thought that'd scare her, but her face was as calm as ever.

"Department Head Lin, there's no difference between men and women for me either, only people I will or won't help. I'm not helping Mr. Li, so please find someone better qualified!"

When she finished, she gave a polite smile and turned to leave. That thin and delicate body was graceful and unhurried, with a beautiful tranquility that revealed her lofty, unyielding character. But as Han Yunxi opened the door, Department Head Lin suddenly exploded with fury.

"Han Yunxi, how dare you talk to me like this! I'm telling you to stop!"

So speaking, he heaved a thick stack of medical reports towards her skull. Seized with shock, Han Yunxi felt a trickling warmth trailing down the back of her head. A little stunned, she turned to look back, but before she could catch sight of Department Head Lin, her entire body collapsed...

3,000 Years Ago, Country of Tianning

Han Yunxi woke up groggily inside a bridal sedan chair, hearing the jubilant sounds of celebration around her. Someone was playing the suona and beating the drums, and a veil of darkness shrouded her eyes.

Bridal sedan:

Bridal sedan:

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