Chapters 111-120

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Chapter 111: Poison Human, a fierce foe

Han Yunxi was caught tight in the female assassin's clutches. No matter how much she struggled, the assassin didn't stir. These killers had been thoroughly familiar with Mu Qingwu but aimed for her instead. Could they be related to Mu Qingwu's Ten-Thousand Snake Poison? They knew she was investigating its origins, so they kidnapped her?

Besides this reason, Han Yunxi couldn't think of any other purpose. She was a person who cherished her life. The only reason she could calmly think over the problem now was because she was certain the assassin wouldn't kill her. Otherwise, why would she kidnap her? There were plenty of chances to stab her and end her life.

Since it was a kidnapping, there had to be demands involved. For now she was relatively safe. Currently, Han Yunxi's ears were filled with the sound of dootdootdoot from her poison alarm. Not only did this assassin have poison on her sword, but she had plenty of other poisons squirreled away on her person. It looked like she was well-versed in using poisons. Add that to her formidable martial arts skills and Han Yunxi couldn't help but wonder if she was the head of all the Northern Li spies. Thinking up to here, Han Yunxi pretended to struggle again, grabbing the assassin's arm as she used her fingernails to dig into the skin.

But the assassin only lowered her head to sneer at her in disdain. "Han Yunxi, stop playing pretend. That's nothing impressive, hmph!"

She knew that Han Yunxi was trying to poison her, but didn't try to prevent it. Her eyes glanced towards her arm, where the poison hidden in Han Yunxi's nails had already sunk into her skin. But she had no reaction whatsoever.

How could this be?

Han Yunxi wore a face full of surprise. She'd used ant poison, the same toxin that made Han Yuqi suffer so much that he felt like dying. Its victim would first feel extreme pain, then the sensation of hundreds of thousands of ants gnawing into their skin. A person wouldn't be poisoned to death, but they'd scratch themselves until they were less than human and half-dead. But this woman not only felt no pain, but still retained enough arm strength to hold her tight.


After all, you couldn't even extract ancient ant poisons in the past. You would only get poisoned after you were bitten by an ant. The venom she used was something she'd carried along inside the detoxification system, extracted from the body of poisonous ants as a poison. Thus, her any poison differed slightly from that of ant bites and required a different antidote. In other words, Han Yunxi's ant poison only had one antidote: hers. This assassin couldn't have one! Without an antidote, she still showed no reaction?


Han Yunxi didn't believe this. She gritted her teeth and dug in deeper with her nails, allowing the poison to seep in faster. But the female assassin only kept her disdainful smile, ignoring the pain without sparing her another look. She used a tree for ballast and flew off even faster than before.


Han Yunxi thought of something and nearly blurted it out. Fortunately, she kept her mouth shut, but her face paled to the point that it was unsightly.


Judging by the assassin's reaction to the ant poison, it was very likely she had immunity to poisons. There were people who were naturally immune and thus never got poisoned, though they were few and rare in between. Even if they existed, they were only immune to one or two poisons. But people could also be injected with all kinds of antibodies to create various immunities. In this way they could develop immunity to a wide range of poisons within a specific class. Inoculation was a modern-day concept; in ancient days they called it "poison nurturers."

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