Chapters 181-190

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Chapter 181: Identity, so it was him

Would she stay put just because she was told to?

Han Yunxi didn't care a whit and kept moving forward. In response, the masked man drew close in a flash, preventing her from escaping as he gripped her shoulder and tugged down her facemask!

As soon as he saw Han Yunxi's neat little face, the masked man grinned. "Someone with such great skills who could smell the scent of poison powder from so far away, and here your lord was wondering who it was. So it was you!"

"Let me go!" Han Yunxi struggled, grabbing his arm in the process. The masked man was in an excellent mood as he allowed her to scrabble as she wished.

"Since even Qin Wangfei has come, the other is most likely..." as the masked man spoke, he prepared to turn towards Long Feiye, but the next instant had the icy edge of a blade pressing against his neck!

It was Long Feiye!

He could actually still stand. Could it be that he hadn't been poisoned? How could this be...

The masked man was completely caught by surprise, while Han Yunxi had found out Long Feiye wasn't truly poisoned a long time ago. Her reaction was lightning quick. Taking advantage of the masked man's momentary distraction, she tore at his fanged mask and nimbly pushed it aside! Han Yunxi was extremely agitated, but saw that the face beneath the mask belonged to a stunningly handsome man. The deep contours of his facial features seemed carved by the very Heavens. He gave off an air of wild arrogance, a monarch who considered himself unexcelled in the world. At the corner of the eyebrow over his right eye was a blood red eyebrow piercing. It was covered by a part of his hair, making it hard for her to see the design of the totem[1]. Overall, he was a mysterious and unruly man.

Without doing a single thing, his face was enough to make a person tremble with fear. Han Yunxi's heart was already pounding, but it sped up at the sight of this face.

Despite the fact that Long Feiye's sword was resting on his shoulder, the masked man didn't pay it any attention. He narrowed his eyes and stared coldly at Han Yunxi, who was gripping the fanged facemask as she felt killer intent rise from all directions. Unconsciously, she backed up two steps.

"Han Yunxi, very good!" the masked man's voice was filled with menacing tones as he completely disregarded Long Feiye.

Han Yunxi felt timid in her heart, but she loathed this kind of threat. Unwilling to be outdone, she shot back, "You couldn't even tell that he wasn't poisoned. You might as well retire early from the world of poison arts!"

The masked man clenched his fists until the joints cracked, while Long Feiye slowly circled around the man with his blade pressed to his neck until they were standing face-to-face. Unexpectedly, before Long Feiye could catch sight of his face, the masked man began to emit a white smoke all around him!

"Be careful of poison!" Han Yunxi warned. Long Feiye instantly evaded to land by her side and shield her. At the same instant, the masked man vanished, leaving a blackish-red bloodstain on his blade. Long Feiye had severely injured him, but in the end he'd still escaped. Han Yunxi expelled a long breath. That was seriously close. If Long Feiye hadn't pretended to be poisoned, she would've been a burden tonight no matter how fast she moved.

"Did you remember his face?" Long Feiye asked immediately.

She could naturally remember a face as stirring as that.

"There's an eyebrow piercing over his right eye, blood red in color. It seemed to resemble a totem," Han Yunxi replied in a rush. Such a distinctive piercing had to rare.

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