Chapters 61-70

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Chapter 61: Competition between women

With those thoughts, Han Yunxi felt much more comfortable. She quietly retreated to one side of the room and sat down, prepared to watch the proceedings. Your Highness Duke of Qin, chenqie will be awaiting your outstanding performance!

Pill Fiend had already given his orders, allowing Dunamu Baiye to give a derisive smirk. "Your Highness Duke of Qin, it's just a chance to learn from one another. Don't get too serious."

He finished speaking to draw to one side as the room turned quiet. Everyone's eyes rested on Long Feiye, both nervous and anticipatory. Long Feiye's first action caught people off guard. His cold gaze rested on Duanmu Yao's hand with an expression that showed his determination to win. Suddenly, his figure flashed and appeared by Duanmu Yao's side.

This guy, he was really going to steal it!

Han Yunxi was shocked, but quickly recovered her senses. She really wanted to shout and cheer him on. Although she knew Long Feiye was just doing this to get the Life Blood Pill, it still made her happy. Who cared about what senior brother, junior sister business they had. She decided to forgive him for what had happened in Snake Gorge.

Neither Duanmu Baiye or Duanmu Yao had expected this turn of events. Duanmu Yao backed away in a flash, the corners of her eyes turning red. Senior Brother had never paid her any attention in the past, but that was only because his nature was cold. In all these years, he'd never tried to steal her things! Yet today he was willing to steal for Han Yunxi. To steal her item and give it to Han Yunxi!


Duanmu Yao couldn't accept this reality. She gave Han Yunxi a hateful glare, wishing she could go over and tear that woman apart.

Duanmu Baiye's voice was furious. "Long Feiye, are you really stealing a woman's things?"

"The thing doesn't belong to her!" Long Feiye retorted aggressively.

Duanmu Baiye was left awkward and speechless while Duanmu Yao was stifled with rage as she glanced at Long Feiye. She hid the Seven Stars Caterpillar Grass in her robes, immediately sticking out her chest as she sucked in her stomach. "Senior Brother, it's rare for us to have a chance to cross swords. If you want to steal it, then come!" she said fearlessly.


Suddenly the room grew quiet before Pill Fiend gave a hearty laugh. The sound was both dark and strange, sounding ancient in one moment and clear and bright the next. It flooded the entire room.

"Good! Good! An excellent idea, hahahah!"

Han Yunxi watched as her mouth kept twitching. Duanmu Yao, you're plenty fierce. Do you still want to leave yourself any face?!

A man's base tactics couldn't compare to a woman's! Long Feiye's face darkened, his eyes filled with loathing as both parties came to a deadlock. In the wake of His Excellency Pill Fiend's laughter, the room grew silent again.

Sitting above them all, Pill Fiend was extremely happy. It had been a long, long time since Pill Fiend Valley had turned so lively. His eyes swept over the assembled crowd before finally resting on Han Yunxi and narrowing in thought. Everyone was standing in a deadlock, but this woman was interesting. She'd decided to sit and watch, much like him.

Thus, Pill Fiend opened his mouth and spoke in a leisurely tone, "Your Highness Duke of Qin, it's more fitting for a woman to steal from a woman."

These words were undoubtedly targeting Han Yunxi, who looked at Pill Fiend with wide eyes. What did this old guy want to do?

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