Chapters 91-100

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Chapter 91: A chance encounter, a glib tongue

"Chen Xiang!" Seventh Madame grew worried and pulled her down to sit. "Chen Xiang, you don't understand. It's better to have less troubles than more. Yi'er is so young and I don't want anything, except for him to grow up peacefully."

"If my mistress hadn't stopped them in time that day, would little young master still be alive? How many times has he been beaten?" Chen Xiang was indignant.

At the same time, little Yi'er was perched on the window, spying on his mother. His clothes were very old and well washed, his trousers noticeably too short. Though they weren't as brightly-colored or well-fitting as clothes of other children, they were still very clean and neat, giving him an indescribable aura. After listening to his mother talk, little Yi'er's face gradually showed disappointment. He gritted his teeth and wanted to speak up multiple times, but in the end he swallowed his words.

Mother's ability to endure taught him to endure as well. He was a very obedient child, but ever since he started to understand things, he'd been in low spirits until today. The more Chen Xiang spoke, the angrier she grew. Seventh Madame could only listen to her urging before changing the topic. Chen Xiang didn't even notice when she started talking about something else. A dejected Yi'er lowered his eyes and gave a pout before sliding off the window. At the same time, a familiar voice carried over.

"Little Chen Xiang, see what tasty things I've brought you all!"

This voice...

Little Yi'er abruptly stuck his head out the window, only to see the big sister Han Yunxi who had saved him that day. She was carrying two big bags as she walked over.

It's her!

Little Yi'er would never forget that beautiful face and those steady, brilliant eyes. Neither could he forget the voice he only heard once. On that day, he almost lost consciousness from the cold. He didn't know anything that happened because his back was facing them all, but he heard her punishing Han Yuqi. Her voice hadn't been very loud, but it was powerful and domineering. When he was about to faint, she'd told him, 'Yi'er, don't be afraid. Big sister will definitely protect you.'

Even his most respected father and most beloved mother had never said those words to him.

"Big sis..." Seeing Han Yunxi approach, little Yi'er quietly called out under his breath, both cautious and timid. He had lots of big sisters, but this was his first time calling any one of them.

Han Yunxi had been in a bad mood and went shopping first. Now she'd brought over two bags, one filled with snacks, the other with medicinal ingredients to bolster Seventh Madame and Yi'er's health.

"Mistress, you finally came!" Chen Xiang was especially happy as she pounced over. If Mistress still hadn't come, she might have lost it altogether.

Seventh Madame rose to her feet in a hurry. "Greetings to esteemed wangfei, esteemed wangfei..."

Before she finished, Han Yunxi waved a hand. "You're excused, excused. Where's Yi'er, hurry and call him out. I've brought you all good things to eat!"

A happy Yi'er was about to rush out when he remembered his mother hadn't called him, and so he stopped.

"Esteemed wangfei, you took such good care of Yi'er, and now you're spending money on us too, I..." Seventh Madame was filled with a guilty conscience.

Han Yunxi wanted some fresh air because of her bad mood and hearing Seventh Madame's civilities only turned her impatient. "Seventh Madame, you can say your polite words outside. Yi'er and I will eat first."

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