Chapters 171-180

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Chapter 171: Refusing the decree, all because of you

Emperor Tianhui stared at the man standing upright before him, his shock surpassing his anger.

Impossible to do?

He actually dared to say it was impossible?

Long Feiye had said so countless times in regards to the marriage alliance, but this time was different from the rest. This time, he was facing an imperial edict! Emperor Tianhui backed up a step, his tone inconceivable and angry, "Long Feiye, are you refusing the decree?"

Unexpectedly, Long Feiye only replied mildly, "Chendi has already refused the decree."

His tone was light, but emanated an aggressive, indomitable air. Even when refusing Emperor Tianhui, he was lofty and immovable! Emperor Tianhui could only stare at him blankly, as if oppressed by his intimidating aura.

No, he was the emperor. No one could challenge his authority.

He swept away the reports on his table and narrowed his eyes at Long Feiye, killer intent infusing his being. There was a furious pause before he shouted out his orders. "The Duke of Qin defied an imperial edict and showed lack of respect. Immediately detain him in the Hall of Regrets. Without Zhen's permission, no one's allowed to see him!"

At the end of his words, guards arrived to take Long Feiye into custody. Emperor Tianhui looked at him coldly, expecting him to repent and beg for mercy. Instead, Long Feiye didn't resist, but smiled contemptuously as the guards led him away. It was only after that imposing figure disappeared from the door that Emperor Tianhui collapsed in his chair. He felt as if he'd woken up from a nightmare.

After calming his nerves, he glared at the kneeling Eunuch Xue. "He...he...he actually dared to defy the decree! Is he trying to rebel?"

"Does he really think Zhen won't dare to do anything to him? This time, Zhen insists on it!"

"Eunuch Xue, go! Go on! Guard him personally for Zhen and don't let anyone take half a step into the Hall of Regrets. Tell him that he'll stay there for the rest of his life unless he marries Princess Rongle!"

... ...

Scared stiff, Eunuch Xue's heart beat wildly. He'd served under two generations of rulers, but this was his first time seeing anyone publicly defying the imperial edict before the emperor himself. His mind was completely blank, unable to hear Emperor Tianhui's words.

"Hurry and go!" Emperor Tianhui roared, sweeping the rest of his things off the table. He was angry enough to start spewing smoke from his nostrils! Eunuch Xue finally recovered his wits and crawled to his feet, rushing out without delay.

That day, news of the Duke of Qin's house arrest following his defiance of the decree spread to stun all levels of society. After all, his authority and lofty position was enough to overturn society itself. Even Emperor Tianhui had to yield three parts before him and rarely moved against him lightly. But once he did, it meant that Emperor Tianhui was intent on his move!

The situation had turned severe!

Grand Concubine Yi was first to hear the news. She dropped her half-eaten food and urgently rushed to the palace, but was refused entry both to the Hall of Regrets and the imperial study. Although details of the Duke of Qin's defiance hadn't been publicized, people knew of Princess Rongle's early departure and the happenings at the Three-Way Battlefield. Anyone could tell that this matter was related to the marriage alliance. Various rumors grew and multiplied, especially those claiming that Qin Wangfei had bewitched the Duke of Qin to prevent the marriage alliance from happening. Grand Concubine Yi waited outside the imperial study for an entire day before she met Emperor Tianhui coming out.

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