Ch. 2: The Gauntlet Is Thrown

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Homeworld, vast and powerful Empire of humanoid beings called "gems." They have colonized several planets, expanding their kind, and showing their supremacy to all in their wake. Among them, are the Diamonds, the most powerful of rare kind and the overseers of every gem type.

White Diamond, Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond, and Pink Diamond; the rulers of Homeworld and the most powerful gems in existence. The only ones that could stand to them would be another Diamond but no one that one would....unless they remember that there is a FIFTH Diamond.

Black Diamond...this one was different though from the rest of them, you can say...special in a sort, unique. The biggest reason was that this diamond was a HE, the ONLY he among all of the shes and hers among all the Homeworld colonies.

And unfortunately, he was the shortest of them all the diamonds. Sure, he could shapeshift and stuff but naturally speaking Black diamond was still the smallest, which usually caused him not to be taken seriously by his fellow diamonds.

They always treated him like a freshly popped out gem, despite all his skills and that he was just as powerful as him! Time and time again he's wanted to prove himself by wanting a colony of his own, fighting on the front lines against the planets they claimed, and shattering any gem that questioned the order with ease but they all just told him "not now," "good efforts," and "your turn will come in time."

Well he is DONE waiting! He was going to prove that he was ready, whether they liked it or not! And the first step was going to confront the second youngest diamond, Pink.

'Stupid clods, treating me like I am this little fragile thing, they will see. Today, I will change the way they see me, one way or the other.' Black Diamond thought.

He was marching down the corridors of Pink's section of Homeworld, getting the attention of the the gems under her care. IT was mostly Rose Quarts, Jaspers, and Amethyst types but none of them got in his way but some did follow him out of curiosity as he reached Pink's room and banged on the door.

"Who is it?" Pink asked as she went to the door and opened it. "Oh, Black. Hi. What's the-"

"We need to talk, NOW

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"We need to talk, NOW." he said to her with a glare.

"Ok...? Come right in." Pink said, confused.

Pink didn't know why Black Diamond seemed to be so annoyed today but maybe this talk to could reveal it.

Black Diamond marched into her room and Pink closed the door, avoiding the Pebbles that lived in her room to make any furniture she needed.

Black Diamond marched into her room and Pink closed the door, avoiding the Pebbles that lived in her room to make any furniture she needed

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Gemsona AU: Black DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now