Ch. 7: Black Vs Blue, Rage and Sorrow

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On the contrary to popular belief, Blue Diamond didn't start with a wave of sadness towards her foe. In fact, she was so mad about what Black Diamond was doing, she decided to be more offensive centered. She goes foward using her energy projection to molds dozens of light balls into one big ball of stellar light that starts shooting blasts and explosions in a omni-direction.

"NYAH!" Spinel let out as she quickly jumped out of the arena, dodging the blasts.

Black quickly countered this by creating a black energy sword and deflected any blasts that came at him, causing explosions to go off around him while smoke began to cloud his vision! Blue also used this to charge at Black and throw her fist down into the cloud to try and crush him, but he dodged out of the way before it hit!

"Whoa there! Looks like I hit a nerve huh? Hehehe too bad, being small and fast right now is my advantage over you." He said, still serious but laughing it off.

He then jumped at Blue, throwing a kick to her face that she deflected! She chopped at him, but Black grabbed her hand and climbed up her arm to her face! He punched her in the cheek before kneeing her in the nose, making her groan before she threw her head forward and headbutted him away!

Black was sent spinning from the headbutt, crashing into the ground before he rolled into a squat before he spread his dark energy and summoned chains to attack Blue. She realized she would be trapped and decided to finally unleash her power, an emotional wave of sadness! Black Diamond was hit with with the brunt of it, grunting and kneeling as his chains went limp to the ground. His will to fight was being diminished by her power.

"Emotional manipulation again? That's so you." Black said as Blue Diamond walked to him, tears pooling in his eyes. "You can't stop yourself from feeling bad everyday, so you have to force it onto other to not feel alone."

"Be quiet." Blue said as she held her finger like a gun, forming an energy ball.

She fired it at Black as he made a large blade, blocking it as he was sent rolling back again. He was having a hard time using more of his power thanks to the pseudo feeling of sadness, the young diamond knew it was not real for him. He wasn't actually sad, nobody was, but Blue had such control over this one aspect she could force him to be sad. Maybe it was time to check out his theory about his avatar projection being able to negate it.

'Alright, it's all or nothing.' He thought as he focused his energy, retracting his sword and chains for the energy.

Everyone watched as Black's energy flared around him, slowly expanded as he wiped his tears away. This could only mean one thing.

"No. No you don't!" Blue shouted as she quickly formed a large energy ball in her hand and moved to hit Black with it before a large hand formed to hold it back!

"Oh, yes. Yes I do." Black said with a smirk, feeling like himself again as his giant astral projection formed and knocked the energy ball into space! "Sorry, Blue, but I'm not feeling so down anymore!"

"Whooo! Now the real party can start!" Spinel screamed in excitment.

The other gems in the stands, the ones the weren't of Blue's court or secretly supported Black, cheered for him as his astral projection stood as above Blue Diamond.

"D-Damn it." Blue cursed, taking a step back.

"What's wrong, Blue? Having a hard time now that your tricks won't work or are you not strong enough to fight someone your own weight?" Black said to her.

"Grrr! I am more than strong enough!" Blue said as her energy form around her fists, enhancing them with more power.

"Then come and prove it." Black says as he raises his fists, the giant projection doing the same

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