Ch. 11: The Results of Training

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A month of cycles past as on a nearby moon, a few thousand miles from Homeworld, a thundering crash was heard! What it was, was none other than Yellow Diamond training.

"Come on! I'm not done yet!" she shouted, breathing heavily as she glared at the 3 opponents before her.

"Dear stars." Yellow Pearl said with a hand over her mouth, watching the battle unfold from the monitor.

Ever since Black's victory over Blue, Yellow had been diving into her training for her battle nonstop and showing no mercy against any gem she was training with/against. And to make it harder fro herself, Yellow didn't even use her powers because of her pride and White Diamond's egging taunts. Not that she couldn't handle it or any gem that came at her, but even she had her "limits" but she denied having them. Like right now, she was currently sparring with two giant fusions, a Ruby fusion made from 20 separate Rubies and a giant Topaz made of 10 Topazes, and with Pink Diamond herself.

"You want more? Sure, how about I show you a little trick?" Pink Diamond asked before she floated into the air.

Pink waved her hands apart and created a large hexagonal pink shield, before creating more and stacking them to make it thicker and stronger. She then made spikes were protrude from every other section to make a large wall with spikes.

(Replace Steven with Pink Diamond)

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(Replace Steven with Pink Diamond)

Pink then flew and pushed it towards Yellow like a battering ram!

Yellow Diamond braced herself and charged at the wall, holding it back with her bare hands as the ground cracked under her.

"Urgh!" She grunted, breaking a sweat from the weight.

"Now's our chance!" Ruby X20 said, as tall as Yellow Diamond's hips.

"Hmm." Topaz X10 grunted with a nod, as tall as Yellow Diamond's chest.

The two large fusions charged at Yellow Diamond as they summoned giant weapons to aid them. They were ordered to hold back against her while they train, no matter how much she looked hurt.

Ruby X20 had a giant, dark red and black gauntlet was even bigger than her with 3 fingers and holes inside of the palm.

(Battle Smasher from One Piece, dark red and black)

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(Battle Smasher from One Piece, dark red and black)

Topaz X10 had a three section staff with two maces at both ends.

(Tri Bo Yao from Kung Fu Panda, Black and Yellow but replace rope with chains)

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(Tri Bo Yao from Kung Fu Panda, Black and Yellow but replace rope with chains)

"What's the matter, Yellow? Is this as far as you can go? Maybe I'm stronger then you now." Pink said, teasing her with a cocky grin.

"Stronger? Than me?! Don't you ever think tha-" Yellow was cut off as Ruby X20 jumped at her from behind!

"YAH!" she screamed as she hit Yellow in the back, seeing off an explosion from her large gauntlet the launched Yellow crashing through the battering ram!

"AAAH!" Yellow screamed in pain as she rolled on the ground before stopping.

"Take her on now, Topaz!" Pink Diamond shouted, wanting to win now. "She is down for the count!"

Topaz X10 gave a neutral expression as she charged at her diamond and spin her staff above her head and jumped. Yellow saw this and quickly rolled away as the mace slammed into the ground but Topaz X10 didn't stop as she kept spinning the staff and following Yellow with a trail of smashes!

'No...this cant end like this, think! You don't need your powers to out think them!' Yellow thought as she remembered how Pink seems to have developed new moves out of necessity, but she could not use her special powers, what did the other gems had that she did not?

Suddenly, it came to her. How nearly every gem EXCEPT the diamonds had something to defend themselves! It's about time Yellow fixed that mistake.

'Thats it!' She thought as her gem started to glow, moving to put her hand on it.

Pink Diamond, Ruby X20, and Topaz X10 saw this and were surprised by this! If Yellow was doing what they thought she was doing, this was going to change EVERYTHING in Homeworld!

"TAKE THIS!" Yellow shouted as she charged at the trio!

"N-No way!" Pink Diamond said before she created a shield but it was soon shattered as a brght light enveloped all of them!

Gemsona AU: Black DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now