Ch. 13: Healing

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Everyone on Black's side cheered for him as Yellow Pearl carried her Diamond's gem out of the arena. Black didn't gain anything physical from this win but he did gain more vocal support for his faction.

"It was a hard fought battle but I won in the end." Black said before looking to the transceiver screen. "Prepare yourself, White. You're the last one."

The feed ended as Spinel and Lapis helps Black off the arena, Bismuths would come to repair it once everyone left and the two diamonds recovered.

In her room watching the feed, White Diamond stood with a facial expression indescifrable at the current situation.

"M-M-My Diamond?" Her Pearl asked, a gem in her forehead and wearing a silver leotard with a white dress with frills.

"Pearl, please leave me be for a moment. I don't want you to see what happens." White said, not even looking towards her Pearl.

"Oh! Y-Yes, my Diamond!" She said before rushing out of White's room and leaning against the shut door.

White Diamond looked at the screen with a silent glare, scenes of the last events repeating in her head over and over again, in all possibles details in her computer like mind.

Black basically declaring war on Pink, showing his strength, opening his faction to all types of gems, showing humbleness to them all, like he was one of them...








"GRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" White screamed as her power explodes from her body, making the entire room like a white void as it barely holds her rage!

"This...won't stand...any longer! This stupid, silly game has gone on long enough!" White Diamond shouted!

White let her power rage for a for more moments before she composed herself, straightening her clothes before calling her Pearl back inside.

'I have learned many things about your fights at least, Black. Trust me, you won't surprise me anymore.' White thought.

Meanwhile with Black, he was taken back to his colony in the Kindergarten, which was still being improve to be a proper colony for his faction, and was taken to the pool of water they swam in earlier.

"Have the Rose Quartzes mixed in their healing tears?" Black Diamond asked Spinel as she still helped him walk.

Before Black Diamond took Earth from her, Pink Diamond put into production of a special type of gem called "Rose Quartzes" with special healing abilities to repair cracked gems. Since Black took the Earth colony, they were under his command now.

"They just finished. It should be ready for you." Rhodinite said to him.

"Perfect, now can you please throw me in already?" He asked them.

They didn't acknowledge that order and instead guided him gently into the waters. Either way, this works as he breathes a sigh of relief while his body starts to soak to make him feel better.

He felt his projected body healing as his bruises were receding, his clothes were mending, and his energy was returning.

'Hmmmm~. Damn Pink, you sure got something right after all with these gems.' He thought.

As Black was healing, he didn't notice some of the water was being taking from the pool to a certain water controlling gem.

"Here, this should help." Lapis said as she and Spinel sat on some rocks, placing some of the healing water on her side.

The one Black mentioned that got hurt helping him? That was Spinel and Lapis when they fused to train with him but Spinel took most of the injuries after they defused.

"Thanks." Spinal said with a smile.

"I'm sorry for what happened before, your fusion was just so strong. I really felt like I needed something else and that power came through." Black apologies, turning to them.

"It's alright, Black. We knew the risk of helping you train and you didn't mean it." Spinel said as she hissed a bit as Lapis put a hand on her side.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to make it hurt." Lapis said as Spinel held her hand.

"It's okay." She said with a gentle smile.

"Well, let's just enjoy this one moment and not think about anything else." Black said as she closed his eyes, relaxing while healing.

Gemsona AU: Black DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now