Ch. 16: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 1

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-Day of the Final Battle-

Everyone of Homeworld was reunined to see the biggest battle their entire race has ever been witness to. All gems from all courts wanted to watch, having brought ships to use as seats when the arena seats had filled up. Others had to watch via communication devices.

Holly Blue Agate, the one who had brought Jasper to Black Diamond, was the one annoucing the battle today as the referee but first, she had a few words to the gems watching today.

"Homeworld and all the colonies beyond, before the Trial By Combat begins, I have a message to give. There has been a small rule change this time and, instead of a one on one duel, it is now a tag team battle between two teams of four gems!" Holly Blue Agate proclaimed, making everyone gasp in shock.

A tag team? But how would that be? Would Black Diamond and some lesser gems have to fight against what was four diamonds? That was madness.

"That's unfair!" A Zircon shouted from Black's side.

"If it's the other four Diamonds against Black Diamond and 3 others, how can he win?" A Jade shouted.

"This is rigged!" An Opal shouted!

Black Diamonds inner circle was in the front rows and looking around as the gems of Homeworld arguing on both sides.

"Looks like they really hate that." Left Rutile said.

"Yeah, it does seem unfair and stacked against Black." Right Rutile said. "And cowardly if you ask me."

"Shhhh!" Rhodonite shushes them. "If we win, meaning Black wins, you can bad mouth the other diamonds all you want but for now let's keep a low profile."

"That's pretty hard to do since we're Black's inner circle." Topaz said.

"She's still worried about the diamonds, understandable but you shouldn't worry so much." Aquamarine said as she patted Rhodonite's back.

"I just hope Black and the others are ready for this." Fluorite said as she crossed all of her arms.

Padparadscha was silent however.

"Padparadscha? Is something wrong?" Topaz asked, noticing the usually chatty gem's silence.

This caused everyone in Black's inner circle to gaze at her and see her stone face, like she was focusing on something with all of her being. Was she trying to gaze into the future, even when she could only predict events that have already come to pass?

"Boom!" She said with a cute voice while moving her hands.

Everyone was confused by this, wondering WHY the small "future" seer would do something like that.

"Boom?" Rutile Twins repeated.

"Boom." Padparadscha cutely repeated, even the same hand gesture.

And 'boom' it happened, a nice and large explosion took place. Everyone covered their eyes as the middle of arena exploded as the wind blew all of their hair back!

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?"! Rhodonite shouted in fear, ducking down out of fear.

"Showtime." Padparadscha said again, this time twirling when saying so and looking towards the explosion.

The smoke began to clear as everyone in the stadium saw that the four female Diamonds posing in the middle of the arena. This gave a shock to everyone as they couldn't remember the last time they saw White Diamond outside of her room, she mostly sent her Pearl to give orders when she needed it.

"Gems of Homeworld, The Diamonds." Holly Blue said, gesturing to the first team.

While everyone on their side cheered for them, Black Diamond's side and him himself weren't. He was currently in his palanquin with the rest of his team.

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