Ch. 17: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 2

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At the sound of the whip, Holly Blue quickly jumped out of the arena and stood on a floating platform as Spinel made the first move!

"Let's play!" Spinel shouted, turning her legs into a spring and jumped towards Pink Diamond!

Pink Diamond raised her arm, creating a hexagon shield, to block Spinel attack! A double kick slammed into it before pushing her back, getting into position.

"Nice try!" Pink said before jumped at Spinel.

"I'm just getting start!" Spinel shouted as she spun her arm like a drill!

Pink blocked the attack and pushed it down before jumping into the air.

"I know all your tricks, Spinel!" Pink said, floating in the air.

"Maybe the good ol naive Spinel, but I'm more than that now. MUCH more." Spinel said to Pink, jumping after her.

As Spinel was dealing with her ex-best friend, Lapis was flying around Blue Diamond while firing water shots from her wings! The shots through small, were condensed and fast, making them powerful and painful. But a diamond was a diamond for a reason, they had greater durability than other gems. So even if those kinds of attacks could poof most other gems, Blue would not be an easy to poof. The most they did was sting and that annoy her.

"Tch, I always knew you were more trouble than you're worth. I'll take this as a chance to discipline your awful behavior" Blue said, holding her hand up and creating orbs of energy.

She fired them all at Lapis, forcing her to dodge mid flight!

"You'll have to do better than that! Beside, I never liked working for you anyway!" Lapis replied as she flew high so the crowd wouldn't be hit.

Even if the arena could be shielded, it wasn't worth the risk.

"And I never liked your attitude." Blue said, combining her sad aura with an energy orb and unleashing it towards Lapis!

Lapis gasped slightly at this and quickly flew out of the way to dodge the burst, narrowly grazing her face with a tear pooling in her eye.

"Tch, stupid emotional clod." Lapis muttered, wiping away the tear.

Lapis refocused and dodged another blast, continuing to fly while avoiding blasts from Blue Diamond! She then dived towards her, gathering her water wings around her right arm to form a large fist!

'I make you cry for real!' She thought, speeding towards the diamond!

Blue gazed at the falling Lazuli, seeing her large water fist aimed for her. She scoffed as she covered her right hand in energy.

"Child's play." Blue said as she clenched it into a fist and threw a punch!

The stadium shook from the clash before Lapis was pushed back, flying back a bit before she reformed her water wings!

"Hmm, that was actually impressive." Blue Diamond said, shaking her hand in slight pain.

"I didnt waste all this time just existing, I trained hard each and every day for hours! Harder than you train because I have a better purpose!" Lapis shouted as she made to 2 more wings and turned them into water blades.

"You think you've evolved, do you? Then prove it to me." Blue said, cloaking her hand in energy again.

"Gladly!" Lapis shouted as she flew towards Blue Diamond with her water blades!

The crowd began cheering for both sides, excited by the battle and that two lower class gems were standing their own with the Diamonds! On the sidelines, Yellow Diamond was mentally preparing herself for battle as she gazed at Jasper from across the arena.

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