Ch. 3: Black Diamond's "Court"

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As Pink finally calmed down and was comforted by the Pebbles in her room, Black had arrived at his "domain" in Homeworld. One where no one bothers to tread, the abandoned Kindergarten deep below the planet.

"Girls, I'm back!" He shouted out as he reached a cave, a large pillar in the middle and some modern homeworld tech around.

Coming out of the holes, Black was greeted by the few gems he had of his "court." The Off Colors and Spinel, who sported a new look after Pink abandoned her.

"You weren't followed, we're you?" Rhodonite, a fusion of a Pearl and Ruby, asked as she came out.

"You weren't followed, we're you?" Rhodonite, a fusion of a Pearl and Ruby, asked as she came out

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"Why Rhodonite, you dont trust me? I'm hurt." Black said with a faux expression before dropping it. "Hehehe but no, I wasn't followed. Even if i was, I could have sense it."

"Oh thank goodness, Black." She said as the rest of the Off Colors came out.

"We really can't thank you enough for protecting us." A Rutile said, split up from the waist to look like conjoined twins with each one having one arm. "We never thought a diamond would protect us."

"Well, I'm basically an off color myself being a darker color compared to Yellow, Blue, Pink, and White

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"Well, I'm basically an off color myself being a darker color compared to Yellow, Blue, Pink, and White." Black Diamond said as Spinel walked up to him and hugged him. "Hey, S, I hope you're doing alright down here."

Spinel had really changed since Black came back for her, she was no longer the happy little playmate that always loved to play games. When she found out hat Pink abandoned her for a colony, she cried in agony before poofing from the emotional pain and reformed with Black staying by her side.

Her gem, a heart shaped gem, was now upside down with her hair down to her back and black lines going down her cheeks.

Her clothes were a dark pink tank top, a small hood cloak that reached her stomach, black gloves, and long black pants.

"I'm fine but I just hate it when you leave." she said as she pulled away, showing him her sad eyes. "I always think you won't come back."

"Don't worry, there is no way I could leave a rowdy group like you guys for too long. Wouldn't want to miss that party. But things are going to be a bit more serious from now on." He said to them.

Oooh, Black is coming back and he's got big new!" Padparadscha, an orange sapphire type gem, said as she came out of her spot.

Oooh, Black is coming back and he's got big new!" Padparadscha, an orange sapphire type gem, said as she came out of her spot

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"That I do, that I do. I just challenged Pink to a Trial by Combat and she accepted. She even proclaimed that once she wins, she'll take Spinel back." Black Diamond said as he went to sit in his chair with Spinel following.

"NO! I won't go back! You're not gonna-" Spinel said in worry before Black tussled her hair.

"Relaxed, you're not going back to her to just rot in that garden. I'm gonna win and when I do, everyone in Homeworld and beyond is gonna see how strong I am. I also have a little trick for Pink since she wants to take you back." Black Diamond said as Spinel walked behind him.

"What is it?" Fluorite, a large fusion made of six gems, asked.

"What is it?" Fluorite, a large fusion made of six gems, asked

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"I'm gonna take that colony she's so proud of." Black said with a smirk.

"It's not that we doubt you." Rhodonite said, already feeling dread "But are you sure you can take them all on?"

Right Rutile piped up "I'm sure he will."

"Yeah, he showed us how strong he was after saving us from those sentries." Left Rutile said with a nod.

"I have faith that Black will win but be careful. Each Diamond is unique and strong in their own right." Fluorite said as he nodded, being the wisest of them.

"The battle is going to be a sight to behold." Padparadscha said with a smile.

Black Diamond looks at Padparadscha for a moment, wondering if she actually saw in the future or that was just her delayed opinion of something that already happened, in a way it was interesting.

"I'm not gonna let them walk all over me, even though I can do so much more. They will see what im capable of. If they dont find a reason to respect me, I will show them why that's the wrong move." Black said to them.

To make his point, Black Diamond held up hand and flared his power. Concentrating dark energy into his hand to create a two handed great sword! He stabbed it into the ground to unleash a wave of energy around them. Seeing his energy always left them fearful but also inspired, it was the complete opposite of the energy of the other diamonds energies.

"I don't want to rule every aspect of Homeworld, but I will show them how much backbone their littlest diamond has." He said with confidence.

"Wow! That's super cool" Spinel said, feeling hyped up.

"This is unlike me but I can't wait to see the battle!" Rhodonite said with her arms in the air.

"Black Diamond is going to show us his awesome power." Padparadscha said with her usual smile.

"Yeah!" The Rulite twins said as they high five each other.

"Hmmm." Fluriote hummed with a nod and a smile.

Gemsona AU: Black DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now