Ch. 6: Feeling Blue?

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Hearing that made Black realize who or what gem it could be.

"A Lapis Lazuli." Black said as he rubbed his chin. "What are the chances she is one from Blue Diamond's court?"

"It could also be one of those Aquamarines, the short ones." Spinel suggested as she and Black got up.

"Well, if it's an Aquamarine, tell the Off Colors to hide. I'll go greet her." Black said to them as he walked out of his room.
"Good idea!" Rhodonite said with a fast nod before rushing out of the room.

''Do you think the Off Colors will ever have to stop hiding like this? I feel bad how they need to act like their a plague or something" Spinel said, quickly walking with Black Diamond.

"Not If what I have planned goes through. Once I beat Blue or maybe Yellow, I'll announce that any gem can join my court, "defective" or not. All will be welcome." Black said to Spinel.

"I suppose no one would have the guts to be against that after seeing you defeat the other Diamonds." Spinel said, smiling at him and having faith that he could pull it off.

"Sometimes, showing off your power is the best way to shut off others with their stupid old dated views, but I feel like they will hate it inwardly. Some of them I suppose." Black Diamond said, thinking about it.

It would still go against the ways of Homeworld, where fusion/love between two different gems was forbidden. Only same type gems could fuse and those were mostly soldier and grunt type gems like Rubies, Pearls, Zircons, Jaspers, and Amethysts.

'Truly stupid, who are we to say who they can fuse with?' Black Diamond thought, thinking Diamonds are just stronger gems and not Gods or Goddesses.

"I'm going to go and check it out what the gem in question wants." Black said to Spinel.

Spinel nodded to him as she went off to find the Off Colors, leaving Black to focus on the water winged gem.

'I really hope it's the Lapis Lazuli I know.' Black thought.

It took only a few minutes for Black to arrive at the designated area even where a warp pad was soon to be placed, the gem in question is waiting and tapping her feet on the ground.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." Black said to the gem, making her turn to see him.

"Meh, its not like I had anything going for me this day" A bored Lapis Lazuli said.

Black chuckled at her, grateful that this was the Lapis he saw as a friend and not a random one from Blue's court

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Black chuckled at her, grateful that this was the Lapis he saw as a friend and not a random one from Blue's court.

"So, what brings you here, Lapis? Here to check on Spinel for Blue or just to secretly hang with the Off Colors?" Black Diamond asked her, putting his hands in his pockets.

"That would be MUCH better than what I'm here for. Blue Diamond sent me with a message, she says she's ready to accept your challenge." Lapis said as she crossed her arms.

Gemsona AU: Black DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now