Ch. 9: Resting and Planning

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Meanwhile, Black Diamond was resting with his friends after battle against Blue. Lapis had created a pool for them all with her powers and they were all having a nice swim as they soak in ALL that came from his victory. He was halfway to his goal, he gained a new member to his court, and he would gain more as some would find enough confidence to seek him out for a new home and refuge.

'Should I have mentioned I accept fusions and "error" gems too?' He thought.

He did say any gem who wanted to join him was welcome, but maybe some gems who see themselves as defective didn't think that meant them as well. He looked towards Rutile Twins and Padparadscha, thinking that if it wasn't for him, they might be shattered for being "flawed."

'I'll have to clean that up for the next one.' He thought.

His next trial against Yellow Diamond would be his most difficult but it was the perfect chance to announce how he didn't care if they were "defective." He would not throw them away, for everyone has talents.

A ringing came to his ear as Black looked beside him to see a small communication device float towards him, it must've been from his colony with a new patch of gems.

"Open." He said as the supervisor of the kindergarten on Earth came into view.

"My Diamond, Amethyst X734-02 reporting in." An Amethyst with purple skin, white hair in a pony tail, and blue eyes with her gem on her wrist said as her hands were in the diamond shape.

"Hey, Amethyst X, how's the main kindergarten doing?" Black asked casually.

"It's coming along pretty well. The gems are popping out one after another, but today seems to be a bit slower then yesterday." Amethyst X said to him.

"That's understandable but expand to another location just in case." Black Diamond said to her.

"Yes my diamond. Also, there's a group of Rubies here that just came out and I think you'd like them. They seem like a very energetic batch." she said to him.

"Really? Send them on the next ship to Homeworld." Black Diamond said to her.

"Yes, my diamond." Amethyst X said to him.

"Do you think Yellow Diamond is going to be the biggest challenge yet?" Spinel asked.

Black Diamond closed the communication screen and turned to Spinel, seeing her floating on her back while Lapis did the same.

"Maybe, she's got the most combat experience out of the others. Even me." Black Diamond said as he rubbed his chin.

"And she saw what you're capable of from the previous fights." Lapis added in.

"That means you both know what the other can do until that point." Left Rutile said.

"It's going to be an even fight in those terms." Right Rutile said.

"Black is going to advice from Rutile." Padparadscha said as Lapis giggled a bit.

"Never change, Pad." Lapis said to her, always enjoying her late predictions.

It wasn't mocking, Lapis just saw that as part of her charm.

"That just means I need to train harder and go all out. I'm also growing with each passing day, constantly breaking my limits." Black said to them.

"In order to keep doing that, you'll need a sparring partner or partners." Fluorite said to him as she shook her head. "But I'm afraid none of us, outside of Lapis and Spinel, could help you train."

"Sorry but she's right. I'm not much of a fighter." Rhodinite said as she sunk to her head in the water.

"Maybe you just need to train more. You're a Ruby plus a Pearl. I'm sure you have it in you." Spinel said to encourage her friend.

"What if they fuse?" Left Rutile said, gaining everyone's attention. "Spinel and Lapiz, that's an idea."

"We also have many other gems who joined us, we can say they can fuse whenever they want." Right Rutile said.

"Hmm, that's right. And a fusion between Lapis and Spinel does sound interesting." Black Diamond said as he looked to the duo in question. "What do you say, girls? Wanna fuse and spare a bit?"

Both of them looked surprised as they gazed to each other, one was more nervous than the other.

"I dont know. We've never tried that before." Spinel said, looking away. "And I never fused with anyone."

"I've only fused with another Lazuli a few times, never with a different type of gem." Lapis said as she looked to Spinel." I'm willing to give it a try if she is."

"It would be better to pratice then, know each other's rhythm." Black said to them.

A key part of fusion, strange as it may be, was dancing and being in tune with each other. Only some sort of god would know why their species evolved to have to do that in order to fuse.

"Well, we could try it tomorrow if Lapis is free." Spinel suggested.

"Definitely, Black basically has me do nothing." Lapis said with a smirk.

"That's not true, you'll be in charge of protecting the court while I'm gone, in case the other diamonds are hunting those that left their courts." Black Diamond said but he was just making up a job for her.

Lapis was a powerful gem but she was a bit lazy, not that he minded.

"Just try not to slack off too much when im not around, ok?" Black asked her.

"Okay, I promise." Lapis said before relaxing back in the pool.

"Atta gem, now excuse me I have something to do." Black Diamond said, getting out of the pool.

Black bid his growing colony goodbye and left his the Kindergarten, wanting to explore topside a bit.

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