Ch. 14: Changing the Game

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The same couldn't be said for the defeated Diamonds as White had called a meeting for them inside of her room.

"I bet she is going to yell at us and throw a tantrun" Pink Diamond said while walking towards the room with Blue Diamond, who had already reformed.

Both of them with their Pearls by their side to attend the meeting.

"I think she wants to know more about these new abilities of ours. I was surprised to find myself giving off an aura of anger." Blue said to her.

''You learn something new everyday, it's not really good for you to cry all the time you want to use that." Pink said, actually scolding Blue for once.

Blue glared down at Pink before sighing, she was right but that didn't mean she had to be blunt and rude about it. She got enough of that from Yellow.

"At least your rage did you some good, losing a colony was perhaps your trigger?" Blue quiped back, showing she had changed as well.

Pink glared up to Blue as her skin shined brightly, showing her new unbridled power but kept it under control.

"Yellow lost, Blue. She did better than us and she still lost after trying so hard. I'm starting to think Black can't be defeated." Pink said as her skin returned to normal.

"Yes, I think so too." Blue said with a sigh as they made it to White's room. "And if he defeats White, Homeworld may call for a new leader entirely. I wonder if Yellow will reform before the final fight."

"Don't ask questions with obvious answers, Blue, but I understand the worry." Yellow said as she walked up behind them with her Pearl, fully reformed but still having visible burns.

"Yellow!" Blue and Pink said as they turned to her.

Blue smiled and carefully hugged her, trying not to hurt her and not to cry from happiness.

"Well, now that the group is reunited, shall we enter?" Pink asked, pointing to White's door.

"Yes but let's wait until her Pearl comes. Let White call us in first." Yellow said as she hugged Blue back, calming her rage from her lose.

Yellow may push Blue when she needs it, but Blue can calm Yellow down when she was overly emotional or angry at times.

"Greetings." White Pearl said, showing up from nowhere like a ghost.

The trio of Diamonds and Pearls almost jumped at her appearance, Yellow holding Blue protectively before they calmed down at the sight of her.

"Is White Diamond ready for our meeting?" Pink asked the Pearl.

"Yes, she is. Please follow me inside." Pearl said to them, turning around.

The three diamonds and their Pearls followed White Pearl inside of the room, showing White waiting patiently in a chair with her hands together on her lap and her legs crossed. Her eyes were also closed and she had no smile on her face as she head them walk in.

"My diamond, the others have arrived." White Pearl said with a bow.

"Thank you, Pearl." White said as she had 3 chairs appear before her. "Please, have a seat."

The others diamonds didn't think much of it as they took their seats, all to their specific sizes. Yellow sat in the middle, Blue sat on the right, and Pink sat on the left; all while their Pearls stood by their right sides. They sat in silence for a minutes, no one starting a conversation or waiting for White to start since she called the meeting.

"Okay, I'll be honest and go ahead and say it, are you going to scream at us for failing?" Yellow asked White, not being one to beat around the bush and feeling awkward until someone spoke.

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