Ch. 20: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 5

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After helping Yellow and White out of the arena, Blue Diamond set them down before Pink began to heal them.

"Can I say something?" Pink asked.

"No." Yellow and White said, unable to move while Pink healed them.

"That was a complete debacle." Pink said, ignoring their answers.

Blue groaned at this before she just sighed, shaking her head.

"I say, how did it end up like this?" She asked.

"I can answer that but they might not like it." Pink said, nodding to Yellow and White.

"Pink, enough! We don't need your smart mouth right now." White said, gritting her teeth.

''Oh really? You want to piss of your healer? You lost! There is no way to describe what just happened back there, we all lost a fight." Pink said, annoyed.

"But we haven't lost this war yet! We still have one more round to fight and then win!" Yellow said, finally relaxed enough to revert to her full size. "And this time, we won't underestimate any of his little gems."

"No but they know all our tricks now and will be prepared after all these battles." Pink said already finishing the healing Yellow before focusing on White.

"Pink is right but who do we send out for the final round? All of us have already participated in one round each and this last one will be another team match. It's unknown if we will be able to counter each other at this rate." Blue said as Yellow leaned up to sit next to her.

"Great, so who will we send out? Me and Yellow? White and Blue?" Pink asked, rolling her eyes.

They really did have to decide on who would represent them in the final round. OR maybe if they could change the rules again from a team match to a solo match?

"I...I might have an idea." Blue said, gaining all of their attention. "White, you can make any rule change before the final round since you called the trial by combat this time, right?"

"I.....suppose so but why do you ask?" White asked, still being healed by Pink.

"Because it's been clear by now that we can't exactly win if we keep doing the same things again and again, we have shown all of our cards and there are no secrets left for us to use. Even if we gained new abilities from our previous matches." Blue said, looking at her hand as it flashed with red aura. "There has to be a change."

"And what would that change be?" White asked again.

Blue let out a sigh as she shut her eyes, steeling her nerves as she bored into White's gaze.

"We allow fusion." Blue said, shocking the three diamonds.

Fusion, the one thing a Diamond would never allow outside of missions or same gems. To even suggest such a thing just to defeat Black Diamond, were they that desperate?!

"Wait...are you for real?" Pink said, not believing what her comrade said.

"Have you lost your mind, Blue? We can't do that! Not after all this!" Yellow shouted at Blue.

"Blue, how dare you suggest that? To even joke about that with us is heinous!" White said, glaring at Blue.

"What other choice so we have?! We barely won the first round and Black with his Jasper outsmarted you in the second! If we don't try something drastic, he will show his new way could replace our way." Blue said firmly.

This brought silence to the three of them, making them think about the advantages of fusion and the disadvantages of fusion.

"I, for one, never thought too bad of fusion between different gems. I mean fusing with the same type does make a gem bigger and stronger but different gems? The potential is limitless." Pink said, with interest.

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