Ch. 22: The Next Step

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The uproar of the gems was real as we hear hands clapping, screams and even weapons being summoned to be spin or shot upwards to show how exciting this was.

"I cant believe my eyes." Rhodonite said in awe as Flurite went to retrieve Lapis and Spinel from the arena. "We did it, we actually freaking did it."

"Pffft! Was there any doubt?" Spinel said with a smug look before wincing in pain.

"You shouldn't push yourself. I know you kept trying to take most of the damage in our fusion." Lapis said, lightly scolding Spinel. "Please, don't do that again, okay?"

"I'll.....try, Lapis." Spinel said with a nod.

Jasper looks at them with a smile, nodding at their skills.

"You guys are really strong, good job. Totally surprised me there, maybe one day we can try fusing too huh?" She asked.

"Maybe after you fuse with Holly Blue first." Right Rutile said with a grin.

"Oh yes, you and her seemed to hit it off nicely." Left Rutile said with a nod.

Jasper blushed slightly at the mention of fusing with Holy. She shrugged nonchalantly, trying to downplay her reaction.

"Yeah, yeah, we just met. Doesn't mean anything special," she said, attempting to maintain her tough demeanor.

Rhodonite chimed in, eager to keep the positive energy flowing. "Well, it's not about how long you've known each other, it's about the connection you share. Just look at us! We're a perfect example of that. Fusing brings out the best in all of us."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Flurite said with a smile.

Black Diamond smiled at his group, his closest friends in all of the galaxy, before turning to the arena as White Diamond and Pink Diamond were waking up Blue and Yellow.

"Wake up. Come on, wake up." Pink said, slapping Blue's face a bit.

Blue groans in pain at this as her eyes slowly start to open up and sees the smaller diamond face.

"P-Pink?" Blue asked her.

"Yep, it's me." Pink said with a bland expression. "Do you remember what happened?"

"What?" Blue asked, confused.

"In the final round of the Trial by Combat. Do. you. Remember. What happened?" Pink Diamond asked slowly and condescendingly.

As Blue Diamond's memories slowly pieced themselves together, she realized the events that had transpired in the final round of the Trial by Combat. She recalled the intense battle, the clash of powers, and the culmination of efforts from her fellow Diamonds and their allies. Her vision cleared, and she glanced around to take in the scene.

Yellow Diamond was also stirring, groggily regaining consciousness nearby. White Diamond stood with an air of authority, overseeing the awakening process. The arena around them was still echoing with the echoes of the recent spectacle, the excitement of the battle and the joyous outbursts of the crowd reverberating through the air.

'We lost. There is no other way of stating it. We lost to Black Diamond, he gets to keep Earth and his faction in Homeworld, who knows how that will grow from now on?' White thought, glancing at the youngest Diamond.

"Damn it!" Yellow said, now awake as she bangs her fists in the floor! "How in the stars have we gotten so humiliated?"

"I think it all began when you didn't give me a planet sooner." Pink said, crossing her arms.

"Pink, not this again please." Blue said to her, shaking her head. "Even if we did give you a planet sooner, Black might've just challenged you for it again."

Gemsona AU: Black DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now