Ch. 19: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 4

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Wasting no time, Jasper quickly summoned her weapon and charged into battle! A special crash helmet for close combat, heavy and nigh-indestructible, it worked perfectly with her main ability as she spun into a ball charged with flaming energy!

"You're mine!" Jasper shouted, spin-dashing towards Yellow Diamond!

Yellow couldn't react in time as Jasper hits her right in the stomach!

"Ugh!" Yellow grunted from the punch, dragging her feet on the ground to stop herself going back to far.

With a simple flex back, Yellow pushedJasper back and rubbed the spot where Jasper hit her.

"Not bad but not good enough." Yellow commented.

"This is just a warm up, the real fight starts now!" Jasper said, motioning her hand to invite Yellow to come at her.

Yellow accept and rushed at Jasper, jumping to kick her in the chin with ease before hammering her head down!

"Huh!" Jasper grunted before grappling Yellow and slamming her into the ground! "UAHHGHH!"

Jasper began pummeling Yellow as the diamond raised her arms to block, letting Jasper punch repeatedly and judge her strength.

'Decent strength but not sharpened enough, this won't be very challenging.' She thought as White watched this and thought the same thing.

'Black trained her? How disappointing.' White thought as she gazed at Black.

"What are you looking at? Still thinking this be a calm walk? It's just you and me now, White. Finally." Black said as he snapped his fingers, making several black light weapons appear in the air around him. "Let's see what you've got."

"Hehehehehe, my you are eager to lose, aren't you?" White Diamond asked as she turned to him, moving her arms to her sides and adjusting her stance. "Very well, Black. Show me what you're made of first hand."

Wanting to test out the waters for now Black tries attacking her by using his constructs to attack her with the swords, maybe she wasnt too nimble.

"Hmph." White scoffed with a smirk, elegantly moving her hands to block every sword while rhythmically stepping on the ground.

(Like Bayonetta series)

"Well I'll be damned. You can actually do something other than just standing still in your head all day. Watching the planet like a sentinel." Black Diamond mocked.

White's smile flinched at this before stepping towards Black, spinning in her toes before kicking towards him!

'Shield!' Black thought, creating a hard-light shield but it was destroyed from the kick!

The sheer strength of the kick was a shock, even for a Diamond. Black had no idea White had that sort of leg strength in her.

"I have been patient with your insolence for too long, Black. You think you have what it takes to do what we do? If you want to truly prove your place as a leader, I will gladly oblige you!" White Diamond shouted, continuing to dance/step towards Black.

Since blocking wasn't an option, Black was forced into dodging her kicks or jump back from sweeps across the ground!

'When did she become this adept to combat?! I've never seen her fight before!' Black thought.

Dodging a stomp that cracked the arena, the shorter diamond created a blacklight dome around himself. It was 5 times as thick as the previous shield and he hoped it was enough to buy him some time in how to counter White's kick or even the playing field once again.

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