Ch. 18: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 3

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Everyone supporting Black Diamond feel silent, bowing their heads in defeat as those that still supported the other four diamonds cheered for their victory. The score of the trial was now 1-0 in favor of the Four Diamonds.

"Hehehehehe. Such a shame." White Diamond said with a smirk, gazing towards Black's side. "Looks like you lost the first round, little diamond."

Black glared at White, being able to read her lips, before walking into the arena and helping his friends out. As he did that, Holly Blue cleared her throat a bit as she addressed the crowd.

"A 10 minute break shall be given for preparations and repairs." She said as a group of Bismuths rushed to the area with Rubies in tow, gazing towards Black Diamond's team.

Said team was meet with Black's inner circle and gazing at the hurt two with worry. The injuries were just as bad up close and would need immediate attention before they got worst.

"Topaz, Aquamarine, call some of the Rose Quartzes. Lapis and Spinel need their tears." Black Diamond said as he handed Spinel and Lapis to Topaz, who gently took them into her big arms.

"Right away, Black." Topaz said with a nod.

"That was savage." Aquamarine said, gazing towards the other diamonds as Pink shrank back to her normal size. "I thought Yellow was the most uncouth one of them but it seems Pink is even worse. To almost shatter Spinel just to win a fight, how disgusting."

"Shhh." Topaz said quickly before gazing at the other diamonds. "Not here, please? The last thing we need is to thin out our luck with the other diamonds close by."

Aquamarine rolled her eyes at Topaz and her worrying, even if she was right, Black would still protect them from the other diamonds.

"Fine. But let's hurry and get them healed, Black and Jasper need to focus on a strategy for the second round." Aquamarine said to the large fused gem, leading Topaz away as the left over inner circle went back to the stands.

"What do we do, my Diamond?" Jasper asked him.

Black Diamond rubbed his chin, gazing at the other diamonds on the other side of the arena as Blue and Pink finally collapsed on the ground in exhaustion.

"Hmmm, I think I can take on White Diamond while you handle Yellow Diamond. Her smaller form makes her faster and more durable but that makes her the perfect opponent for you." Black Diamond said to her, smiling at Jasper. "Hold nothing back and show them what you're made of."

"I wont disappoint you!" Jasper said with a determined grin, clenching her muscles.

"Hehehehe, I know but you could never disappoint me. None of you could." Black said as he nodded to her.

Meanwhile with the other diamonds, they were busy talking strategy themselves as their Pearls came over to check on them.

"Excellent work, Pink." White said with a nod as her Pearl brought some cold water and a towel to help her cool down.

" was nothing." Pink said, feeling the most tired she felt in her entire existence.

"I will admit, that Lazuli and Spinel were more powerful that I anticipated." Blue said, holding her injured cheek. "I didn't think a terraforming gem could be that strong in actual combat."

"That's because Black has influenced them to use their imagination, to defy their original purpose and to be unpredictable." White said, using her logic. "It's interesting but also infuriating."

"Really? But I thought you hated that." Yellow said to White, a bit confused.

"Oh I do. Greatly. But it does have its uses, like more ideas for soldiers when we need them." White Diamond said with a nod, thinking of the future.

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