Ch. 23: Future's Uncertainty

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(Author's Note: Apologies for the unofficial hiatus, was busy with other projects.)

An entire cycle passed since the Trial By Combat with Black Diamond's faction gaining victory over the other Four Diamond factions.

It was a spectacle unlike any other witnessed as Black Diamond's faction and their adversaries was fierce and unrelenting. Each blow struck echoed with the weight of their ambitions, reverberating through the arena as a testament to their determination.

Black Diamond, a figure shrouded in ambition, used his strategic prowess. His supporters fought with unwavering loyalty, their determination fueling their every move as they clashed against the other Diamonds with fervor.

The battle raged on for what felt like an eternity, each side refusing to yield an inch of ground. But in the end, it was Black Diamond's faction that emerged victorious.

But now? Black Diamond and his supporters gathered to celebrate their hard-won victory. The air was alive with jubilation as they toasted to their success, their laughter mingling with the sounds of revelry as they indulged in the spoils of their triumph.

"WOOHOO!" Lapis Lazuli cheered loudly, performing some sort of water show for everyone.

She wasn't alone as other water type gems performed as well.

"Yeah thats it!" Spinel said, clapping happily at the show.

"They're really good." Right Rutile said.

"It's amazing how beautiful water can be when wielded differently." Left Rutile said.

"It's also pretty tasty, surprisingly." Jasper said, drinking some water with her hand.

As the celebration continued, a hush fell over the crowd as Black Diamond stood, raising a hand for silence. His presence commanded attention, and the supporters quickly quieted, eager to hear what their leader had to say.

"My friends," Black Diamond began, his voice carrying the weight of authority and confidence. "We have achieved a great victory, one that will be remembered for cycles to come. But with this triumph comes new challenges. We must remain vigilant and prepared for what lies ahead."

"YEAAAAAH!" Everyone cheered in agreement.

"And by anything, I mean anything that comes from the planet we call our home and the other diamonds if they try anything more." Black Diamond said.

"I'm sure you are worrying too much, my diamond. You have shown you are the most powerful, it would be foolish for the others to try anything." Aquamarine said.

"And in poor taste after things were settled fairly." Topaz added.

"And who is to say they wont act like a bunch of sore losers?" Spinel said.

"Losers or not, they are still diamonds." Rhodinite said in worry.

"We will be fine. I have faith in Black." Fluorite said.

"Hopefully, you girls are right and I'm just worrying too much." Black Diamond said.

As the celebration continued, the energy in the room remained high, with gems from all corners of Black Diamond's faction displaying their unique abilities. Some Pearls performed an elegant dance, her movements precise and graceful, captivating the audience.

Each one of them unique and not uniform, just as Black Diamond preaches. Don't be afraid to be unique.

-Hours Later-

As the celebration began to wind down, a sense of calm settled over the room. Black Diamond retreated to a quieter corner, taking a moment to reflect on the events that had transpired. His closest advisors joined him, their faces mirroring his contemplative mood.

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