Ch. 21: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 6

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Both teams stood in silence, wondering and waiting for the other to make the first move. Not only that but they were trying to predict each other's moves and counter them when or if they could. To the crowd, this was just them all standing still but to those with battle instincts, the fight had already begun.

"Here I go!" Spinel shouted!

Spinel had matured a lot over the time spent with Black Diamond but she was stll quite eager and full of energy and so she was the first one to take a move. So the pink colored gem punches foward at what appeared to be a simple stretched out punch but then she uses her other free hand and *twangs* her stretched arm, causing her fist to connect multiple times in a spring like unpredictable manner.

Yellow quickly moved in front of Blue, crossing her arms to block the spring like punches!

'What sort of crazed attack is this?!' Yellow thought, feeling like she's being hit multiple times.

"HAHA! Bet you never thought a gem created for entertaiment could be this strong huh?" Spinel said, taunting her before bringing her arm back.

"No, I suppose not." Yellow said as she kneeled down, revealing blue had created an energy orb and fired it!

"I got it!" Lapis said, getting in front of Spinel and creating a water dome before freezing it into ice!

The orb crashed into the ice dome, nearly breaking it but it held strong.

"Damn Lapis Lazuli, they were never meant to be that strong." Blue Diamond cursed under her breath.

"Focus, this is still just the start." Yellow said to her.

"Good job Lapis, you always know how put on a show." Spinel said.

"I aim to please but more so, I am to protect who is precious to me." Lapis said, turning to Spinel and holding her hand out. "I know you feel the same, Spinel."

"Sure do partner" Spinel said, grabbing holding onto her hand.

The two moved closer together, Lapis placing her other hand on Spinel's shoulders as Spinel put her other hand on Lapis's waist. They began slowly dancing under the ice dome as their gems began glowing, their bond showing as they closed their eyes and enjoyed the moment.

The glow could be seen through the ice dome, shocking everyone in the stands as the match just started and they're already going all out!

'They're fusing! Already?!' Yellow Diamond thought, gritting her teeth. 'Should we do the same or keep fighting and blast them out before finishing them?'

"What are you spacing out for?" Blue Diamond said, bring Yellow from her thoughts. "We must not hold back."

Yellow Diamond turned to Blue, seeing her offering her hand for a fusion dance as well. If the lesser gems were going to fuse, they would have to do the same.

Everyone stared at it in shock at what they were seeing, the two diamonds were dancing and were actually going to fuse, something homeworld has never seen before in its long history.

'This is it.' Black Diamond thought, watching from his side.

'No turning back.' White Diamond thought, glaring at the two fusion processes.

'We will win this.' Blue and Yellow Diamond thought, the latter lifting the former in the air consumed in a bright light.

'We can do this, together.' Lapis and Spinel thought, putting their foreheads together as they were consumed by a bright light.

"I sense a poweful fusion." Padparadscha said.

"Well thats not ominous." Left Rutile said, looking to Padsparacha.

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