Ch. 15: New Recruit

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For the next 2 weeks of planet cycles, the Diamonds spent any free time they had working on tag team tactics, strategies, and combination attacks. The one thing White Diamond wouldn't allow, on any accord, is fusion between them. She said they didn't need some "cheap trick" to beat Black Diamond if they just stuck to their plan. And now, it time for the other diamonds to call Black for a Trial By Combat and give him a CHANCE of building a team to try and win. And the one to delivery their message was an innocent Peridot with a square haircut and her gem on her left eye. (Squaridot)

"A tag team battle?!" Black shouted in shock, his inner circle all around him with the same shocked looks.

"Yes, my diamond. One of the rules of this trial by combat, is a tag team battle of four members." Squaridot said with a bow.

"You gotta be kidding me, all these trials have been one on one and now they want to make it a team fight?!" Spinel said, not liking this.

"Well, to be fair, Black Diamond only set the rules for the FIRST trial but never set any rules for the trials afterwards. Or even called them properly." Squaridot said with her finger up. "Ergo, he left the rules to be open for alteration if THEY called for a Trial by Combat."

Lapis looked at her with a stink eye, angry at how hypocritical the other diamonds were being after being defeated by their fellow diamond.

"So NOW they feel like being reasonable, huh?" Lapis commented.

Spinel and Topaz had to pulled Lapis back a bit as she was making the water in the pool shake from her anger.

"Logically, yes." Squaridot said, unafraid.

"What are the rules of this trial by combat?" Black asked, getting to the point.

"You must assemble a team of 4 counting yourself, no fusions are allowed on the team, and fusing is not allowed in the battle." Squaridot quickly explained. "It's only fair."

"You think that's "fair!?" Four Diamonds against one and three normal gems with no fusing?!" Lapis barked in anger.

The square haired gem looked towards Lapis and gave her a quickly evaluation before commentating.

"If I am not mistaken, you are a Lapis Lazuli. Your gem is well known for planetary terraforming via hydrokinesis. I would say your power is-" Squaridot said before she was cut off.

"True as that may be, but Ms. Lazuli is correct. This seems like very FOUL play." Aquamarine said as she crossed her arms.

"I do not question it but I do wish you the best of luck, my Diamond." Squaridot said as turned back to Black Diamond and saluted him with the diamond symbol before leaving.

"Well...that just happened" Black Diamond said with a flat look.

"If you ask me, they are just scared, knowing you're so close to winning and pulled this just to try and save face." Spinel said, looking grumpy.

"Not to mention that we INCREDIBLY OUTMATCHED!" Rhodonite shouted in fear as she fell to her knees, beginning to sob! "The only ones that stand even a CHANCE of winning are Black, Lapis, and Spinel! We don't have a 4th gem that's not a fusion that could match them!"

Black Diamond closes his eyes and starts to think, feeling anger that this is how they want to do things, making things unfair and impossible to win when things don't go their way. Now who was the one being childish? But should he give up now? He didn't want his friends get caught in the cross fire with the other diamonds, even more now that they can't use fusion to increase their chances, what if they end up shattered?

'I would never be able to forgive myself if they got destroyed because they wanted to help me.' He thought as he opened his eyes a bit to glance at Lapis and Spinel. 'Lapis and Spinel are the most powerful, non-fused gems here but if they aren't careful, they could lose their lives. Not to mention that even if they did agree to help, who would be their fourth team member?'

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