Ch. 10: Two New Friends

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He kept to back ways to avoid attention and waved to any gem along the way but had them keep quiet. He didn't want the other diamonds to know about his. Little stroll.

'My following is growing, I wonder by how big it will become in the future?' He thought as he stopped by a building in Yellow's sector of Homeworld.

"I-Um, excuse me?" A voice called out.

Someone had called out to him but he didn't recognize the voice. He then turned around curiously to see a rather large gem before him.

"Yes?" Black asked her.

"I-I'm Topaz." She said with a stutter, gesturing to herself.

Topaz appeared to be a muscular 12ft tall gem fusion with two large, round yellow gems on both sides of her head. She had light yellow hair in a short, flat top-like fashion, yellow skin, and a tinted orange visor that covers her eyes and the sides of her head. Her eyes appear to be brown, though it is unclear due to the orange tint of her visor.

Her outfit consists of a maroon vest with Yellow Diamond's insignia, a mahogany top underneath, and dark brown bottoms that cover her feet. She has a large, broad, and muscular build with relatively short legs and large, powerful arms. She has a square head and chin with a strong and boxy jawline.

 She has a square head and chin with a strong and boxy jawline

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'Whoa! Now thats a strong looking gem. I've never seen a Topaz up close before.' He thought before putting on a friendly smile.

"Hello there, what can I do for you?" He asked her.

"I was just the offer to join your court still open?" Topaz asked with a nervous smile, tapping her fingers together. "And...are fusions welcome?"

"Fusions? Why of course, any gem is welcome and any fusion as well." Black Diamond said with a small smile.

The fusion smiles happily and shyly but Black then wonders to himself.

"Does Yellow Diamond not allow fusion in her court?" He asked her.

"N-No, she does. For missions and for battle but.....Topaz and Topaz just want to fuse because we love each other." Topaz said as she put a hand in her chest. "Topaz couldn't imagine being without Topaz, and we fear that one wrong step would result in Topaz being broken."

"Let me guess, Yellow doesn't like it when you are fused all the time, when it's not for battle, or unless it's for something useful according to her right?" Black guessed as Topaz nodded. "But you enjoy being fused regardless."

"Well...yes. That." Topaz said with a small smile and a nod.

Black Diamond let out a sigh as he shook his head, disappointed in Yellow.

"Typical, don't they realize fusion is not just for fighting? It's like a connection between two gems too, friendship and..." Black Diamond said as looks at Topaz and smirks. "Other things, hehe."

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