Carlos: *Holding Mal tight to him*
Mal: "Puppy, you're crazy because nothing is going to make me change my mind about being with you!"
Carlos: "Iknowbutwhatif-" *Gets cut off by Mal smooching him*
Mal: *Breaks kiss and strokes Carlos's cheek* Puppy, I love you and only you "
Carlos: "Think you can repeat it?"
Mal: "I love you"
Carlos: "Maybe one more time?"
Mal: *Giggles* I'll say it as long as you want me to"
Carlos: "Mal?"
Mal: "What is it, Puppy?"
Carlos: "When we get married, will you still keep the core 4?"
Mal: "I was kinda thinking about splitting up The Core 4 but I might not"
Carlos: "Thanks Dragon" *Goes to the Isle independently to help the Vk's with their troubles*
Vk: "Thanks Carlos"
Carlos: "Welcome" *Phone rings* Hello?"
Mal: "Hey Puppy, I know you just left but I miss you already"
Carlos: *Chuckles* That makes two of us" *Starts sighing*
Mal: *Gets concerned* What's wrong, Pup?"
Carlos: "I just feel like one day, you'll leave me for somebody else li-" *Gets cut off by Mal*
Mal: "Puppy, listen to me. I love you & You love me. I will never leave you, Puppy, even if I do see somebody cuter than you which I doubt because as far as I'm concerned, You are the cutest, handsome, adorable boy out there and there is without a doubt that I would ever leave my sweet Pup for another cute boy. So don't ever think I will leave you for another boy. I love you and you only, Ok?"
Carlos: "I love you too and I needed to hear that"
Mal: "Anything for my cutie"
Carlos: *Hangs up phone*
???: " Hello Dogboy"
Carlos: "What do you want Uma?"
Uma: "Tell that purple-haired witch that if she wants her place as queen on the Isle, then you have to defeat Ben and Gil in a fight"
Gil: *Creeps up behind Carlos and punches him*
*Carlos takes a 5-inch metal pipe and strikes Gil in the face with it but Ben grasps a glass bottle and strikes Carlos over the head with it causing Carlos to bleed from his forehead. Carlos punches Ben and spears him into a table smashing it. Gil kicks Carlos in the chest and pushes Carlos into a wall making him lose his balance and falls to the ground. Carlos gets up but Ben and Gil jump him before tossing him into a glass door.*
Uma: *Laughs* If you aren't out of here by tomorrow then Ben and Gil will kill you" *The three walk out*
Carlos: *Tries to get up but descends back down but teleports back to the cabin*
Mal: "WHERE IS HE?!?!"
Evie: "Mal, relax!"
Jay: *Opens the door to Carlos before Carlos collapses into his arms* MAL!! EVIE!!"
Mal and Evie: *Runs downstairs*
Jay: *Looks at Mal shocked*
Evie: "Mal, calm down. Carlos wouldn't want this" *Falls asleep*
Jay: *Falls asleep*
Carlos: "M--Mal"
Mal: *Starts kissing Carlos's face*
Carlos: *Can't talk much because of how he got thrown through the glass door* M-Mal, U-Uma, B-en, and G-il jumped me. U-ma said th-at if you want your title a-s Q-ue-en back then I would have to win the fi-ght agains-t Be-n and Gi-l." *Starts coughing up blood*
Mal: *Fetches a towel and wipes the blood away* Honey, You can't speak much so quit speaking so you can keep your strength"
Carlos: "Yes Ma'am"
Mal: *Laughs then kisses Carlos before laying down with him*
Carlos: "M-al?"
Mal: *Places a finger to his lip* I love you too Puppy but you have to rest"
Carlos: "Ok" *Falls asleep*
Mal: "I'm going to kill Uma, Ben, and Gil for hurting my Puppy" *Smooches Carlos's forehead and lips before going to Auradon Prep*
Fairy Godmother: "What do you need, Mal?"
Mal: "I need to see Belle and Beast but since you asked, Carlos went to the Isle to assist some of the Vk's but Uma and her gang battered Carlos and I was wondering if you could spell them to not harm Carlos"
Fairy Godmother: "I can not do that because my magic is not that strong"
Mal: "Well, thanks anyway" *Leaves and walks back to the Isle only to find a newspaper flying her way so she grabs it and reads it when she gets back to the cabin*
*Evie and Jay reads the newspaper with Mal*
The Newspaper reads: "A challenge for the throne. A Vk was injured up by Uma and her crew today. Can the Vk destroy Uma and her gang? Vk set to battle again against Uma and her gang in a fight to the death. Whoever fails will die at Uma's hands. The date has been set for June 28, 2022. Queen Uma says there is no method of escape because if the Vk tries to coward out of this battle then he and his friends will be slaughtered. Noted by King Ben."
Jay: "And she's gonna snap"
Evie: *Waits for Mal to snap but she never does*
Jay: *Whispering* What's going on? Why isn't she snapping?"
Evie: "I don't know but I'm tired" *Falls asleep on the couch*
Jay: *Does the same beside Evie*
Mal: *Goes to the Bedroom* I'm going to kill Uma"
Carlos: *Can talk normal now* "Mal, don't"
Mal: "Puppy, read this" Hands him the paper*
Carlos:*Reads the paper* Mal, I know you care but we have no other choice. You see what the newspaper says, There's no way out."
Mal: *Speaking in a soothing voice* Pup, you know I love you but I don't want to see you get hurt."
Carlos: "How about this? If I get hurt, then you can whatever you want with me but if I don't get hurt, You have to do whatever I want and that includes in the bedroom too. Deal?"
Mal: *Grins* Alright" *Kisses Carlos and falls asleep*
Carlos: *Kisses back and carries her to their bedroom and teleports Jay and Evie into their bedroom* I love you Mal"
Mal:"I love you too, Pup
To Be Continued...
RomanceMal and Ben have been together for two years. Whenever they get closer, Carlos becomes jealous and begins to harm himself. As Carlos withdraws from others, Mal notices that people seem to overlook him. When Carlos eventually emerges from isolation...