Chapter 30

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Jishin seemed to have calmed down after contemplating something, "Don't worry. I think I know how we can handle her". 

On her way back, Joanne decided to visit Levi, and so she went to his room. They sat down. She was rather quiet, looking down, feeling guilty. Levi got worried seeing her like that, and asked, "What's the matter, Sis? And..... Are you still hiding something from me?". She looked up at him, "Lev... I'm sorry. I should have told you before.....(fidgeting her hands) I am an assassin. And.... I'm going to work for your brother from now on. It was part of our deal...". "Which deal?". "A bring me back here," (avoiding eye contact with him). He was startled to hear her answer, "What! So, you didn't go to visit your ex.... You escaped! But why?". She was anxious, as she knew she had made a mistake and hurt him, "You see... I had left that part of me behind, long ago, but getting kidnapped and coming here.... knowing about your true selves... brought back those memories. (tears welled up in her eyes) I had killed more than I can even remember. And so did my other two partners. We were a three-man team, 'The Holy Trinity'". His eyes grew big. She continued, "But a certain someone hired us to eliminate a whole village.... said it was a ground for various criminal activities.....but they lied, and we also found out that they had set us up against each other.....(tears rolled down her cheeks) I was chained and on the other side, they tied up the other two....we were drugged.....that bastard gave me two options, either I do as they say or they'll kill both my teammates, and.....(sniffing)and kept whipping and tazering us.....and when I refused, they killed them both right in front of my eyes...and also burnt down that village..... I couldn't breathe and felt like my heart had stopped......then they just threw us at the river bank to rot.....but, heh..... unfortunately the rain saved me and only me (cried, covering her face with both her hands)... I was going to get married that night, under that moonlight...but instead I had to bury my love and only friend there on the river bank.....(calmed down a bit, and sighed, wiping off her tears) but, you know, I took care if everyone who betrayed us! (Her face lit up) I killed each and every one of them...." and started sobbing again. He pulled her into a bearly hug and ran his hands over her head, comforting her. She sniffed at his chest, "I was incapable after all.... I.... couldn't save them(crying)". "No, Sis! You're strong! You really are! And what happened that day was not your fault! I hope your friends think this too". He released her and caressed her head. She wiped her cheeks, "Maybe, but... I should've been more cautious that day..". "It's OK.. stop being so hard on yourself. You see, you opened up! I'm so proud of you J!" and patted her shoulder to encourage her. She smiled blandly, "That was supposed to be my last mission...but I guess, I had to turn back at some point. After all, this is my true identity that was lost to me", staring away blankly.

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