~4~ Streak of hope

476 15 4

Word count: 2526

"It's about time you two returned home!" Corin's playful comment was directed towards the two people entering the abode - a few bags in hand as they kicked off their shoes.

I adjust the open-topped box within my hands, making my way to the door whilst giving the two older folks a sincere nod.

"How was your trip out?" My question posed a topic of conversation that was interrupted by the skidding of feet on floorboards - the couple's offspring peaking around the corner.

"What took you two so long? Grams had to save your food in the fridge." Her free hand gestures towards the unseen woman with a playful laziness.

"It wasn't by choice." The older female by my side comments, passing me on her way towards the blood-toned brunette she held a resemblance to.

I busy myself with kicking on my shoes - adjusting the box that rested on my hip and the thin blanket that lay draped across my arm.

"There was an accident that blocked off most the road." The older man chimes, offering a more lighthearted expression as he stole one of his daughter's candies from her palm - earning a playful swat of the hand that dared touch her prize.

"Be thankful we didn't drag you with us, young lady." Her mother teases, stopping in the kitchen and I turn to face the interior's hallway - watching the small, familial group with care.

The older man held a laugh at the antics of the energetic teen, who kept her prize of off-colored candy close to her chest - even Dahlia had crept over to steal one from the distracted girl.
She jumps, taking the moment to close her palm as she declared her newly felt betrayal at the hand of her elder.

The laughter was light. The joking tones of heartfelt, familial bonding.

It was something special. A moment one wanted to last forever...yet always seemed to pass by much quicker than ever fully intended.

My lips purse in thoughts that felt distant. Thoughts pushed aside.

"Corin." I smile kindly, earning her attention. "The bottles?"

She straightens in realization, her fingers making a sharp snap as she turned on her heel and disappeared back into the kitchen.

My gaze lowers only slightly - taking notice of the light, brown-gray feline that pattered her way to the door with grace, sitting near my toes.

To have that girl's energy, would be a blessing.

I chuckle to myself, watching the cat rub against my legs and hearing Corin's rushed footsteps - the beeping of a microwave joining the temporary chaos soon after.

"Coming, (y/n)!" She hollers, once again skidding passed the hall as she hurriedly puts on her sneakers with one hand - exhaling and I snicker at eagerness to shove the remaining pieces of sweets into her mouth.
"Ready? These little guys and gals aren't going to feed themselves."

"Lead the way."

The front door opens to reveal the still bright day of afternoon memories to come, the heat giving way due to the now more cloudy sky above, and the momma cat prances outside - leading the way onto the porch.

The gravel crunches in rhythm to our steps - the brunette making her way towards a shaded patch of grass near one of the lot's many trees.

The box was set down with care - its contents lively with the sounds of scratching at the sides - before I focus my attention on spreading the thin material of the blanket out along the grass.
I kneel down, smoothing it out as Corin shakes the two small bottles in her hands, humming to herself before she joins the softer surface across from me.

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