~18~ Cracks behind comfort

362 12 14

Word count: 2651

~~~ Saturday, October 16th ~~~


"...then let me give you this scenario: A girl that had calm access to the police calls up and states that she is being held captive. They arrive at the scene and find a respectable group of wealthy and well-educated young men minding their own business, with a panicked girl claiming quite peculiar things- which, by the way, she has no proof of."

His smirk was forever burned into my head.

My brow knits.

"...do you think the police would truly hold weight to the words of an average, teenage, unimportant girl such as yourself? Especially when you have no concrete evidence that we had done anything."

But I had evidence - gave everything...

I flinch as he leans closer - no...no he wasn't here.

Cold water splashes against my face.

His sly smile would've widened at my reaction - sharp eyes framed by firey strands of crimson.

I tried so hard...and yet here I was - a pawn in a game I couldn't fully see.
But I needed to air on caution.

I sigh, water dripping down my features and soon after I straighten back unease.

...even my thoughts weren't my ally - a bombardment of nothing but his voice, a taunting remark chipping away my positive reinforcements.

Gaze lifts to meet my own, the reflection of my frail smile forced, failing at an easy path of reassurance.

I was doing fine - aside from a few faltered moments wanting to shut my mind down in fear, to curl away in a corner and cry...

I dust myself off, lifting my head just enough to prove some point to myself.

I made it this far - there was no sense in cracking now - in breaking down and giving those who waited in the shadows the satisfaction of control.

I wasn't going to allow it...the memory of them to control my life anymore than they had.

In truth I was thankful I hadn't really ran into forced contact with the two young men.

They were only seen in glances in the back of some of my classes - a mystery now solved - only heard in gossip around fellow student curious to their arrival.

Nerves trembled when they were near. A rippled outcome I knew to avoid in hopes of keeping my struggling outlook of positivity on point - but hey, they hadn't even tried talking to me, no caught glance in my direction, or attempt at making their way towards a goal I hoped had fizzled to a dim state.

From the whispers noticed, they had spent most of their time in the art and drama clubs, the blonde already having become quite the eye candy in terms of someone to talk to - a new, possible friend while the azure haired male had kept more to himself, practically blown away expecting gazes of those who had a glimpse of his handy work.

My want to keep an eye out for them was slowly pushed aside - knowing my time was better spent on things not holding concern for the young men. On the outside it wouldn't bother me. On the outside my smile would remain.

And soon...everything would go back to normal.

They'd go away.

My chuckle was pitiful, yet still, to an extent I was proud of myself.

I shake my head, drying my hands and it was a funny thought brought on by the table of fifteen in the other room.

According to Aimi, and bits of picked up conversation during the busy night of work, they were having a pre-celebration dinner for a wedding soon to be celebrated.

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