~25~ Senseless with caring cruelty

589 14 2

Word count: 3256

Each little thing stood still.
Each breath was long held to standards that weren't truly there; tragedy striking what was left to be unseen.
Time was - for a lack of better words, useless. Still like my cramped corner of messy blankets. Lost in a sea of constant reminders eroding away the base of composure.
The world had been put on a pause lasting eras I was not able to control and the room felt more lifeless than before.

Muscles were laid to rest in the same place; unmoving and numbed by a thick layer of dead silence threatening to drive me mad. I remained tucked near the wall, waiting for my being to turn to stone or crumble to ashes - sparing me from fate and I had given up on trying to berate myself for not doing...well anything - mind a reflection of items and thoughts at a pause - stopped the whispers of self pity and instead listened to the secrets of the air.

The lure of sweet nothingness was kissing my ear bud, but sleep was not beckoned.

In all honesty I wasn't sure whether I found the quiet relaxing or unsettled...either option leaving nothing but defeated resentment with myself.
My heart couldn't take any more of their games, their lies. I knew I couldn't go through this again - this time was nearing a breaking point just waiting to shatter.

This time I wouldn't escape.

I wanted to steer away from the notion, fill energized with a self given pep-talk...although no honest words of encouragement came to mind.

I got this - I got away once, so I knew I could do so again.

It felt like a joke.

One thought was almost tempting - as they had said 'a lot of hurt would be spared from wasted efforts if you just give in to us.'
Effort would be kept close, but maybe I just needed to blind myself to the truth and play the role they wanted. 'Work on my acting' per-say.
The rest of my days could always be sugar-coated, lived out as nothing more than a shallow husk of a newly made doll drawn from place to place and toyed with whenever needed. No more pain felt for myself...no more emotion felt by myself.
No more wrong doings.

A doll made just for them.

The quiet tapping of inner thoughts didn't sway my sickly goal aside from tear stung eyes and feelings of disgust.

They would be happy.

I would be empty.

Would that be for the better?


The door unlocks - the sound jolting a buzz of alert through my mind even though I remained as self-loathed stone.
Desperation was clouding my judgment.

The steps descended down were even in strides, a voice the next thing to stain my abode but it wasn't from any savior calling for my attention.
Dread was the next emotion to be numbed.

"Everything is set to go so far." Kaito continues on his conversation - a figure nearing closer and if I was physically able to I would've curled into myself more.

"Muse..." Ren's tone was a facade of care and it didn't take long for me to know what time it was. "come and eat please. I made this special- just for you."
The savory aroma and mixing spices was ignored, my only response to the slowly spoken words was to turn away, weak frame leaned against the wall to hide what was already hidden and a hum broke through calculated steps.

"A certain young lady is up, would you like to say hi?" The redhead speaks up moments before a delighted gasp peaks my ears - my interest wavered as words were noticed but not made out. Kaito chuckled to himself, one simple tap of a button letting his wrist fall to hang the phone limply.

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