~20~ Seclusion

788 20 26

Word count: 4197

Two years I ran free...

Fear lurking behind every action.

Lies behind every smile.

Torment from each touch.



It didn't matter.

Nothing mattered . . .

Nothing ever seemed to matter.

My lungs were cold - senses abandoned despite the few bustling nurses across the hall.

It was quiet...lonely...heartbreaking in most ways befitting of the word.

Shadows of doubt crept in - the world having had stopped in that millisecond of time he took to mirror my pitiful exhale.

"Oh how I wish I could see the dread washing across your eyes...however, you would find it best to save that expression for me later. For their sake, put on a smile, play along. It'll be in their best interest." He whispers like a knife across torn skin and I could feel the smile tempting his lips to sin.

That thin, cocky smile.

Those cold eyes.

My heartbeat was steady - nerves walking along needles that kept me still - a paralyzing fear sending my forethought into panic...my features were forced to relax.

"A little birdie told me, not too long ago...that you were at the hospital." His voice was a softspoken threat. Words painfully calm, slow.
"It's a shame really- the night should've have ended with pleasantries. Ren was quite upset when he found out- only hopes the staff there have been treating you well?"

My eyes squeeze shut for less than moment - phone held tighter between a hand on the verge of shaking.

"If you're trying to scare me." I speak up, leaving a stale taste in the air. "You don't."
I wish I could've fully believed myself.
"You'll...you'll pay for putting my friends in harms way."

A simple chuckle chipped my defenses.

The male on the other end sighs.
"Do you honestly believe...that I would do something so low?" A scoff bridged his continuation and my anger fizzed.
"I'm not a monster, my dear. In a way I almost feel bad. To my knowledge, they were good people- you managed to find good friends on this little escapade. They treated you well...cared for you. But they won't need to anymore."

A breath was wanted - craved - my nerves pushed aside as if I were trying to prove a false confidence.

Worries needed to be hushed.

"Go to hell..."

A gentle hum told me of a level of amusement lacing his tone.
"Save your petty insults for a later time, there is still much to prepare for. Besides, it would be better to hear that sweet, firey voice in person. Wouldn't you agree?" He chuckles, and I found myself alone.
"I wouldn't worry though, everything will be as close to perfection as is needed. I find I do my best work when under pressure."

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